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6. What are 4 organismic constraints?

  • Skilled Behaviour, observed movement, Control of movement patterns and co-ordination of movement patterns
  • Muscle size, Cognitive Development,Emotional Development and Limb Length
  • Goal of the task, Rules specifying behaviour, task related implements and a coaches teaching style
  • Weather, Temperature,Extrinsic Motivation and Socio-cutural-economic

7. What is the definition of a closed Skill?

  • Occur in a stable, Stationary and predictable environment
  • Occur in motion but predictable environments
  • Occur in enviroments that are unpredictable
  • Occur in stable but unpredictable environments

8. What Happens during the motor stage?

  • individuals focus on refining the skill
  • individuals have no idea what they are doing
  • indivduals focus on a new skill
  • individuals have 10 minutes to have a go at the skill

9. Sensory information that comes primarily from sources in the muscles and joints and from bodily movement is called

  • Kinaesthesis
  • Proprioception/Interoception
  • Exteroception
  • Vestibular Apparatus

10. What is the response programming stage?

  • where the individual identifies and recognises the input
  • Where the individual organises the motor system to produce the desired movement
  • where the individual decides what response should be made

11. What answer is the comparison of individuals performance?

  • Process Goals
  • Outcome goals
  • Performance Goals
  • Emergent Behaviour

12. What is a closed loop control used for?

  • a process which compares actual feedback to the desired state
  • A process to maintain the desired goal using feedback and a comparator
  • A process which makes decisions about the correct actions needed