Psychology Exam Questions

  • Created by: m1laxx
  • Created on: 20-03-23 11:49
State what is meant by the term 'gender dysphoria.' (1)
When your physical sex does not match what you feel to be your gender.
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Explain one biological reason for gender dysphoria. (3)
Male gender dysphoria can stem from a fault of the Y chromosome, causing testosterone to not be sent when in the womb. This causes gender dysphoria when the physical sex does not match he perceived gender.
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Explain one evolutionary reason for a traditional feminine identity. (3)
Feminine behaviour is genetically programmed as a result of adaptation to the prehistoric environment which mean that successful females would have traits that they then pass on in their genes to the next generation of females so, females are better adapt
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Explain how the findings of Deady (2006) support the biological view that gender behaviour is biologically determined. (3)
Women with high levels of testosterone had high levels of masculinity on Bem's sex role inventory because they were less focused on motherhood, this suggests that testosterone affects how the brain experiences gender.
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Explain one feature of schema that can influence an individual's gender identity. (2)
Schemas guide people in how to act as they contain examples of the appropriate behaviours associated with each gender.
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Daniela is 21 years old and on some days chooses to dress like a woman, while on other days chooses to dress like a man. Daniela might be described as 'gender fluid.' As a child, Daniela seemed happy to be identified as females; she behaved very much like
Daniela portrayed herself as female and so was given 'girls' toys and was more likely to play with other girls. She becomes part of the in-group of girls but her fluidity develops over time.
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Card 2


Explain one biological reason for gender dysphoria. (3)


Male gender dysphoria can stem from a fault of the Y chromosome, causing testosterone to not be sent when in the womb. This causes gender dysphoria when the physical sex does not match he perceived gender.

Card 3


Explain one evolutionary reason for a traditional feminine identity. (3)


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Card 4


Explain how the findings of Deady (2006) support the biological view that gender behaviour is biologically determined. (3)


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Card 5


Explain one feature of schema that can influence an individual's gender identity. (2)


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