Psychodynamic explanation of gender development

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 18-02-23 13:19
What age does gender development occur?
1 of 10
What complex does a son go through, which results in him identifying with his father?
Oedipus complex
2 of 10
What fear/envy does a son go through, which results in him identifying with his father?
Castration anxiety
3 of 10
What complex does a daughter go through, which results in her identifying with her mother?
Elektra complex
4 of 10
What fear/envy does a daughter go through, which results in her identifying with her mother?
Penis envy
5 of 10
Who theorised the elektra complex?
Carl Jung
6 of 10
Which two process do children go through in order to resolve their respective complexes?
Identification and internalisation
7 of 10
Who studied little Hans?
8 of 10
Who found that 75% of "gender disturbed" boys had no father figure? (Supporting evidence)
Rekers and Morey
9 of 10
Who said that Freud's ideas like validity as they are not falsifiable?
Karl Popper
10 of 10

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Card 2


What complex does a son go through, which results in him identifying with his father?


Oedipus complex

Card 3


What fear/envy does a son go through, which results in him identifying with his father?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What complex does a daughter go through, which results in her identifying with her mother?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What fear/envy does a daughter go through, which results in her identifying with her mother?


Preview of the front of card 5
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