Psycho - Discovery, Finale

  • Created by: teese
  • Created on: 06-04-22 13:48
Discovery: Describe the rhythm used
constant semi quaver passages - not melodic
off beat accents and rests
cross rhythms - triplets in cellos and bases underneath semiquavers in upper strings
1 of 8
Discovery: What is the chord ending the cue?
Db7+min 9th
2 of 8
Finale: Describe the use of texture
starts off monophonic then quickly turns polyphonic
3 of 8
Finale: Describe the use of rhythm, tempo and metre
starts off 3/4 then goes to 4/4
adagio e mesto (slow, defeated tempo)
directionless rhythms
off beat chords in last 2 bars
4 of 8
Finale: How do the rhythmic ideas affect the melody
the melody is fragmented by off beats and changing metres creating a directionless vibe
5 of 8
Discovery: What is the tempo indication?
allegro feorce
6 of 8
Finale: How does Hermann convey Bates' madness
The madness motif is played 3 times at the end
atonal - lost, insanity
slow tempo
high almost pitch-less writing in the violins - eerie, unsettled
7 of 8
What are the similarities and differences between these 2 cues?
chromatic melodies
Discovery - fast and ferocious, Finale - lost and sombre
Finale changes texture often
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Discovery: What is the chord ending the cue?


Db7+min 9th

Card 3


Finale: Describe the use of texture


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Finale: Describe the use of rhythm, tempo and metre


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Finale: How do the rhythmic ideas affect the melody


Preview of the front of card 5
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