
What does "suffrage" mean?
Obtaining right to vote
1 of 20
Who were the Suffragists? A group of...
Women who wanted the vote through peaceful means
2 of 20
When did the Suffragette Suffragist split occur?
3 of 20
What was the Suffragette slogan?
Deeds not words
4 of 20
Which act allowed women on hunger strike to be released and then rearrested?
The Cat and Mouse Act
5 of 20
What was the General Strike accused of being?
A Communist revolution
6 of 20
What was the TIA?
The trade unions of coal, trains, and transport
7 of 20
Why was Winston Churchill so important during the General Strike?
He was Chancellor of the Exchequer
8 of 20
Who was Arthur Cook?
The leader of the miner's trade union
9 of 20
What did the government subsidy do to the miners before the General Strike?
Made them think that the government was on their side
10 of 20
Who did Margaret Thatcher famously compare the miners with?
11 of 20
Who did Margaret Thatcher call to spy on the miners?
12 of 20
What was Ian MacGregor famous for?
Being the head of the National Coal Board
13 of 20
What was Orgreave?
A coke plant
14 of 20
What didn't Arthur Scargill do?
Call a national ballot
15 of 20
What was the main method of protest in the Poll Tax protest?
16 of 20
Where was the main incident of violence during the Poll Tax protest?
Trafalgar Square
17 of 20
Who lead the Poll Tax Protest?
18 of 20
Who did the Poll Tax bring down?
Margaret Thatcher
19 of 20
What percentage of people would be worse off under the Community Charge?
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who were the Suffragists? A group of...


Women who wanted the vote through peaceful means

Card 3


When did the Suffragette Suffragist split occur?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Suffragette slogan?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which act allowed women on hunger strike to be released and then rearrested?


Preview of the front of card 5
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