Promoting Quality Care

What is Direct Discrimination?
Treated less favourbly than another because of a protected characteristic
1 of 8
What is Indirect Discrimination?
Occurs in the situation whereby the practices which apply to everyone in their employment or care result in certain people (e.g race or specific gender) being put at a disadvantage
2 of 8
What are the short term effects of Discrimination?
Upset, angry, fustrated, annoyed, humilated, devalued
3 of 8
What are long term effects of discrimination?
Lonely/isolated/excluded/withdrawn/low self esteem/ Depression/ Self harming/ Poorer housing/ Hard to get employed
4 of 8
Why don't some people report Discrimination?
They may be too scared to, do not know if they are being discriminated agaimst, they do not know how to complain or who to, they are unaware of their rights, fear of victimisation, discrimination can be difficult to prove
5 of 8
Name different pieces of legislation?
Chidlren Act, Equality Act, Disclosure and Barring Scheme, Humans Right Act, Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Act
6 of 8
Why are policies benficial for service providers?
They know what is expected of them in legal terms, therefore they can ensure they are doing job properly, gives them a form of redress if they are accused of breaching procedures, something to refer to that outlines boundaries and expectations
7 of 8
Why are poilicies benfecial to service users?
Service users feel they can trust staff, empowers service user, follows the care values, gives them a system of redress, creates a better atmosphere and know what to expect
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is Indirect Discrimination?


Occurs in the situation whereby the practices which apply to everyone in their employment or care result in certain people (e.g race or specific gender) being put at a disadvantage

Card 3


What are the short term effects of Discrimination?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are long term effects of discrimination?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why don't some people report Discrimination?


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