Postmodernist theories of crime

Why do Postmodernists believe that society is marked by chaos and uncertainty?
Because it is changing so rapidly
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Why is society fragmented?
2 of 45
Provide examples of diversity
groups with different interests and lifestyles
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What do postmodernist believe has collapsed?
Social structures eg. class
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What do postmodernists believe social structures have been replaced with?
growing individualism expressed by a consumer culture (people now care more about self-interest than community)
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The nature of crime
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What do postmodernists view crime as (similar to labeling theories)?
a social construction
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What do they believe the definition of crime is an outdated metanarrative that dies not reflect the diversity of postmodern society?
its a narrow legal definition
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In a postmodernist society, why are people freed from constraints?
because the norms and bonds of others has been disconnected
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Alternatively, what is crime still presented as?
An expressive of a particular view of those with power
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why do postmodernists believe it is necessary to go beyond the narrow definition of crime and develop s wider conception of crime?
because they believe the definition of crime should be based on justice and respect for peoples chosen identities and lifestyles
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What do Henry and Milvaovic (1996) believe that the definition of crime should be?
should be taken beyond narrow legal definition to a wider conception of social harm, embracing all threats and risks to society
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Crimes as social harm
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Who identify two forms of crime...... they make a return Isasmell
Henry and Milovanovic
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What are the 2 types of harm?
Harms of reduction and harms of repression
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Explain the harms of reduction
power is used to cause a victim to experience some immediate loss or injury
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explain the harms of repression
power is used to restrict future human development these include harm thretebing human dignity and respect such as Sexual harassment racist abuse and hate crime
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The causes of crime
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Why do postmodernists not believe that its social structures and values cause crime?
because they believe that postmodern society is fragmented
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What do they believe the metanarratives of social class, work and family have been replaced with?
uncertainty and individual choice and identity
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What do individuals focus on and ignore?
Themselves and ignore others - they gave little respect for them
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What does it and the social causes of crime are undiscoverable?
the individualism of identity
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Why do crimes become one-off events?
because it expresses whatever identity an individual chooses
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What is a crime motivated by?
a infinite number of individual causes, including intangible emotional reasons
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Who examines the pleasures and seductions of crimes for individuals?
Katz (1988)
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Who believes crime is an 'Edgework'?
Lyng (1990)
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Why does Lyng (1990) believe crime is an edgework?
committed for the excitement and thrills those involved get from living 'on the edge'
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Why for postmodernists is the cause of crime lie with individuals, not society?
Because crime may simply be derived from the kicks of doing so
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The control of crime
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What is there a growing emphasis on in terms of crime prevention?
private crime prevention and localized arrangements for controlling crime
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For example, what has there been increasing use of ? (CLUE: disconnected from the police)
informal controlling agencies eg, as private security firms that control private public places like shopping centres
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What is the use of CCTV in contemporary societies?
to control everyone, not just offenders
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Who points out that surveillance is penetrating more and more parts of our private lives like CCTV?
Foucault (1991)
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What country in Europe has the most security cameras?
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Provide an example if growing control in communities
'gated communities, streets and housing complex
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What are people regarded as on a postmodern society rather than a citizen with rights?
Consumer and customer
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Why do they avoid crime ( the majority of postmodern people )
seduced and co-opted ingo avoidance of social harm by the participation of the consumer society
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those who are not seduced or conform, what happens to them?
they face stricter control through heavier and more repressed policing
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Strengths of the postmodernist approach
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Why is it a useful theory of the analysis of contemporary society?
explains things like CCTV and surveillance
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What does it offer an explanation for that many theories don't?
why people commit non-utilitarian crimes like hate crimes
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Explain why the postmodernist theory focuses on harm
how power is used to commit crime
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What does it not explain about crime motives?
why people use their power over others
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What do Marxists point out?
that increased security and surveillance is mire likely to benefit the R/C and wealthy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is society fragmented?



Card 3


Provide examples of diversity


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do postmodernist believe has collapsed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do postmodernists believe social structures have been replaced with?


Preview of the front of card 5
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