Post-Copulatory Competition

  • Created by: Dazza_G
  • Created on: 02-12-16 15:03
What are the direct ways females can benefit from mating with multiple males?
“Good genes”, “**** Sons” and Genetic diversity.
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How can females gain “Good genes” and “**** sons” from mating with multiple males?
Males with the most elaborate characteristics may not be the best parents. Through using facultative copulations, they can achieve the best genes whilst ensuring parental care.
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What are the advantages of Genetic diversity?
Insures against environmental unpredictability.
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What are the indirect ways males can benefit from mating with multiple males?
Fertility backup, Material resources, Protection and Paternity confusion.
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What are the advantages of Fertility backup?
Insurance that one or more males aren’t able to provide enough fertile sperm to fertilise all of her eggs.
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What are the advantages of Material resources?
Acquire multiple gifts which provide nutritional benefits which help her provision her eggs.
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What are the advantages of Paternity confusion?
Mating with multiple males to confuse the males as to who is the father in order to prevent infanticide.
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What is post-copulatory selection?
Competition between individuals and choice that takes place after the moment copulation starts.
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What is Bateman’s principle?
The sex that invests more in the young becomes a resource for which members of the opposite sex compete.
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What are the mechanisms of post-copulatory competition?
Mate-guarding, Mating plugs and repellents, Sperm Displacement, Sperm competition and Infanticide.
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What is Mate-guarding/Prolonged copulation?
Males prevent other males from gaining access to females by guarding them.
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What are Mating plugs and repellents?
Resin like plug which prevents other males from gaining access, and can help sperm from fertilising eggs.
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What is Sperm displacement?
The penises of males have barbs which is designed to remove the sperm of previous males left inside the female.
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What is meant by Sperm competition?
Competition between the sperm of different males to fertilise a single female’s gametes.
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Card 2


Males with the most elaborate characteristics may not be the best parents. Through using facultative copulations, they can achieve the best genes whilst ensuring parental care.


How can females gain “Good genes” and “**** sons” from mating with multiple males?

Card 3


Insures against environmental unpredictability.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Fertility backup, Material resources, Protection and Paternity confusion.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Insurance that one or more males aren’t able to provide enough fertile sperm to fertilise all of her eggs.


Preview of the back of card 5
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