population change

inner city
in the city, smaller houses, cheaper, usually students or immigrants as close to work. earning potential can be low, lots of services eg shops buses
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wider ranges of houses, pockets of council estates, families with younger children, people usually travel by car
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rural urban fringe
edge of the city, workers available close by, easy access to city, slightly larger houses
3 of 5
rural settlement
similar to suburban, distance to work usually longer, slightly higher income, not as easy to access service, larger houses as higher income
4 of 5
social welfare
things that affect our very day lives, changes that have to be made to acomodate our needs
5 of 5

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Card 2


wider ranges of houses, pockets of council estates, families with younger children, people usually travel by car



Card 3


edge of the city, workers available close by, easy access to city, slightly larger houses


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Card 4


similar to suburban, distance to work usually longer, slightly higher income, not as easy to access service, larger houses as higher income


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Card 5


things that affect our very day lives, changes that have to be made to acomodate our needs


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