POlitics and economics

  • Created by: aoife23
  • Created on: 16-01-23 11:03
What were the democratic policies in 1948?
Civil rights and workers rights are very important, president and congress should be active in government
1 of 18
What were Wallace's beliefs?
Truman was overreacting in his aid plan to help eastern Europe and was wasting American money,Stalin was only a bad opponent if treated badly, Truman was being too tough on international communism
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How many strikes were there in 1946?
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What is a Dixiecrat?
A southern democrat that is against civil rights
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What were the Republican policies in 1948 (Dewy)?
No need to modify civil rights laws,anti-communism, president and congress should be active in government,congress should be active in government
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What were the Republican policies in 1948 (Congressional leadership)?
No need to modify civil rights,restriction of labor rights, anti-communism at home and abroad,government should be small and not do very much
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Why could Truman not combat inflation with price controls?
Conservative democrats and republicans sought the restoration of the free market
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Why did Truman have little chance of victory?
He came off the back of a democrat who was extremely popular so the public appetite in 1952 was huge,he had to realign the economy from all out war to post war stability, he was fighting a new cold war with Stalin
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What is a states right democrat?
Believes that states should set their own social legislation
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What was the New Deal?
A collection of reforms to restart economic growth
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Was the democratic party entirely united?
No, by the 1948 presidential election the party was split between Henry Wallace's social democrats on one side and conservative southerners on the other
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Who was Henry Wallace?
He was on the left side of the democratic party and identified as progressive. He strongly disagreed with Truman's policy
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Why did Americans fear another depression after the war?
Factories laid of workers and 12 million de mobilized veterans returned home
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What was McCarthyism?
An intense period of anti-communist suspicion
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What kind of voters did the New Deal gain?
Farmers from the Midwest,Southerners,African Americans and workers in the cities
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Who was Strom Thurmond?
Truman's other opponent who identified as a Dixiecrat and a states right democrat
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What were Thurmond's beliefs?
Opposes Truman's civil rights agenda and the support of Israel
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What was the Taft-Hartley act?
Supported big businesses and made it harder for unions to organize strikes
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Card 2


What were Wallace's beliefs?


Truman was overreacting in his aid plan to help eastern Europe and was wasting American money,Stalin was only a bad opponent if treated badly, Truman was being too tough on international communism

Card 3


How many strikes were there in 1946?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a Dixiecrat?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the Republican policies in 1948 (Dewy)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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