Policies + Privatisation

  • Created by: ssaidi23
  • Created on: 20-04-22 12:15
What are New Labour policies that wanted to reduce inequality in education
- Education action zones (EAZ's)
- Educational maintenance allowance (EMA)
- Increased funding for state education
- City academies (inner city schools)
- Literacy and numeracy hours
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What are Education action zones
Designating some deprived areas as Education action zones and providing them with additional resources
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What are Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
payments to students from low-income backgrounds to encourage them to stay on after 16 to gain better qualifications
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What is an issue with EMA's
Labour also introduced tuition fees for higher education that may deter them from going to university.
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What were city academies created for
To give a fresh start to struggling inner-city schools with mainly working-class pupils.
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What policies are of greater benefit to disadvantaged groups and help reduce inequality
The introduction of National Literacy Strategy, literacy and numeracy hours and reducing primary school class sizes.
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What policies create an education market
- League tables
- Formula funding
- Open enrolment
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What policies move control away from state
- Free schools
- Academies : including MATs (multi-academy trusts)
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What did Prime Minister David Cameron stated that the aim of the coalition education policy was to
Encourage 'excellence. competition and innovation' through policies such as academies and free schools
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What were all schools encouraged to do in 2010
Leave local authority control and become academies
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What happened to academies
(3 things)
- Funding was taken from local authority budgets
- Given directly to academies by central government and
- academies were given control over their curriculum
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By 2012, what had happened to secondary schools
Over half of all secondary schools had converted to academy status.
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What were Labours original city academies targeted at
disadvantaged schools and areas
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What was a issue with academies
the coalition government allowed any school to become a academy meaning it removed the focus on reducing inequality.
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Who are free schools set up and run by
Parents, teachers, faith organisations or businesses rather than the local authority.
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What do supporters of free schools claim
that they improve educational standards by taking control away from the state and giving power to parents
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What is it claimed that free schools give the opportunity to do
Give parents and teachers to chance to create a new school if they are unhappy with the state school
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What does Rebecca Allen (2010) argue
That research from Sweden, where 20% of schools are free schools, shows that they only benefit children from highly educated families.
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Define privatise
to transfer from government control or ownership to private ownership
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What does privatisation in schools lead to
Schools open like businesses
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How can schools be run like businesses (4 reasons)
- Marketing of the school (open days, leaflets)
- Setting targets to meet
- Performance related pay
- Efficient (class sizes increase)
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A issue with performance related pay
Children may not put the effort in to excel in school no matter how much the teacher tries therefore doesnt reflect clearly
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A issue with setting targets
Puts pressure on teachers
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A issue with increasing class sizes (being more efficient)
Means can employ less teachers as they can teach a large class and save money
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What are two impacts of privatisation
Growth of MATs and growth of exam boards
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What are MATs and what are the issues with it
Where CEO will be in control of many schools (eg. 80) and make each school the same, robotic like, and not focus on the childrens needs
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Education becomes a source of what
profit for capitalists in what Ball calls the 'education services industry'
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What activities are private companies in the ESI involved with
- building schools
- providing supply teachers from private agencies
- careers advice
- OFSTED inspection services
- Education brands (software)
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What are examples of private companies in the ESI
- bUI
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are Education action zones


Designating some deprived areas as Education action zones and providing them with additional resources

Card 3


What are Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an issue with EMA's


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were city academies created for


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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