Poetry (Ozymandias and London)

Ozymandias- Summary
Written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1871
Romantic poet
Radical politically
Disapproved of British monarchy
Suggests poem is criticism of wielding power in an undemocratic way and ruling as a tyrant
Ozymandias- another name for famous an
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Ozymandias- Key Ideas
Arrogance of Rulers-

arrogance of Ramses and other leaders, power has led to pride and the mistreatment of others
Power of Art-

art, language and literature are more enduring than human power
nothing remains of Ozymandias except a
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Ozymandias- Themes
Ozymandias as a corrupt ruler / misuse of power-

repetition of 'king' in 'king of kings' - wishes to portray himself as omnipotent
suggest he is trying to deify himself
imperative verb 'look' indicates how controlling the king was
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Ozymandias- Irony and Rhythm
No regular rhythm or rhyme scheme- fragmented structure reflects king's 'shattered' power
could reflect how temporary and breakable human structures are
mixing of different sonnet forms could reflect Shelley's rebellious ideas
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Ozymandias- Key Comparisons
Powerful individuals, misuse of power and corruption-

My Last Duchess
Power of nature vs power of humans-

Storm on the Island
The Prelude
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London - Summary
Written by William Blake in 1794

Romantic Poet: Known for his visionary and often radical views.
Critique of Society: Blake condemns the oppressive nature of London, reflecting his disapproval of the institutions that control society.
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Key Ideas:
London - Key Ideas
Political and Social Critique: The poem criticizes the abuse of power by institutions like the Church and the monarchy.
Human Suffering: Highlights the widespread misery caused by poverty and social injustice.
Power of Langu
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London- Themes
Corruption and Abuse of Power: "Mind-forg'd manacles" symbolize mental oppression.
Impact of Industrialization: "Chimney-sweeper's cry" and "black'ning Church" indicate the negative effects on the environment and morality.
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London-Form and Structure:

Quatrains: Regular ABAB rhyme scheme, mirroring the repetitive and inescapable suffering in the city.
Irony and Satire: Contrasts the ideal of a prosperous London with its grim reality.
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London - Irony and Rhythm

Title Irony: The poem is titled "London," yet it reveals a city filled with misery and corruption, contrasting the typical romanticized view of the city.
Chimney-sweeper's Cry: The irony lies in the suffering of children working
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London - Key Comparisons
Powerful Individuals and Misuse of Power:

My Last Duchess: Both poems explore the abuse of power, with "London" highlighting societal corruption and "My Last Duchess" focusing on personal tyranny.
Ozymandias: Similar themes of th
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Ozymandias- Key Ideas
Arrogance of Rulers-

arrogance of Ramses and other leaders, power has led to pride and the mistreatment of others
Power of Art-

art, language and literature are more enduring than human power
nothing remains of Ozymandias except a

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