poem meanings

The Manhunt
a wife's perspective of her husband, who she cannot get close to, as has been in the war and is shell shocked.
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an event of two lovers spending little time together but it doesn't matter as love is too precious, although time has power
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In Paris With you
where the narrator is in Paris with someone else, on the rebound, after breaking with a loved one
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one-sided snap shot of a relationship, where the women is awaiting contact from her 'lover'
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a love poem in which a speaker seeks to secure the love and attention of another, the two things need eachother
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when and older brother and a friend ditch a younger brother, it shows the relationships between siblings
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Praise song for my mother
child's celebration of her mother, explaining her qualities and the ways in which she has helped her daughter.
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when a father and son take a harmonium from a church, it could foreshadow the dad getting old
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sonnet 116
a traditional concept of love, and how it doesn't change over time
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sonnet 43
when someone expresses their love towards a lover
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to his coy mistress
The speaker of the poem is trying to convince his "mistress" that they should seize the day and not hold back from expressing their feelings for each other, and so should sleep together.
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the farmer's bride
a story of a farmer who marries a maid, and she is kept back, and perhaps afraid of the farmer
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sister maude
Sister Maude describes the death of a loved one caused by the actions of a jealous sister.
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a story of a small boy, falling into a patch of nettles and seeking comfort from his parents, although comfort is given, the peom hints that you can not always protect your loved ones
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born yesterday
the speaker offers the child a welcome into the world and outlines their hopes for them, they start off cliche' but change to a less conventional path to "happiness"
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Card 2




an event of two lovers spending little time together but it doesn't matter as love is too precious, although time has power

Card 3


In Paris With you


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Card 4




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