Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the third man argument?

  • DNA passes down ideas, from one man to another to a third generation and so on. This shows forms aren't real but only learned.
  • If man is a copy of a form, where did that come from? there must be a copy before that causes infinite regress, not possible.
  • If you pass on an idea from one man to another eventually it will get to a third and the message of philosphers will be known to all

3. What does the analogy of the cave teach us?

  • it's best to stay in comfort
  • The world we live is only a shadow of the forms and we must become philosophers to see the truth
  • Both the outside world and the cave are true

4. How did Plato feel about our soul?

  • You should go off what you feel in your soul
  • Like a horseman being pulled in 2 directions, always choose logic
  • our souls know what's best

5. Which one of these is a property of a form?

  • Eternal, unchanging, an architype
  • Contingent and changing
  • A shadow, a lower thing


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