Plant Oils

  • Created by: Brooklyn
  • Created on: 03-06-13 19:52
What do plants use the Sun's energy to produce?
The Sun's energy to produce glucose from Carbon Dioxide and Water.
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What do plants then do with glucose?
They turn glucose into other chemicals through chemical reactions.
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How do we extract lavender oil?
It is extracted from lavender plants by distillation. The plants are put into boiling water and the oil evaporates. It is then collected by condensing it when the other water and other impurities can be removed to give pure lavender oil.
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Why are vegetable oils important in food?
They give us a large amount of energy and nutrients.
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Why can vegetable oils be used to cook foods at higher temperatures than by boiling?
They have a higher boiling point than water, so can be used to cook food at a higher temperature than boiling.
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What is the advantage of this?
It produces quicker and different flavours,
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What is the disadvantage of this?
It increased the energy that the food produces when it is eaten.
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What do all vegetable oils contain in their chain?
Carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached to them.
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What are unsaturated oils?
Oils whose carbon-carbon atoms are joined by a double bond.
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How can you detect double bonds in unsaturated oils?
You can add bromine to the oil. If it turns from orange to colourless the oil is unsaturated.
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Why is eating too many fats and oils bad for the diet?
It can lead to being overweight or obese.
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Why should you eat fewer saturated fats?
They increase the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) in your body which can lead to heart disease.
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What fats are the best for you?
Unsaturated fats.
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Do oils dissolve in water?
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What is the temperature a liquid boils at affected by?
Size of the forces between the molecules.The bigger the forces the higher the liquids boiling point.
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What si the problem with cooking food in oil?
The food absorbs some of the oil, which is high in energy resulting in the energy content of food being much higher.
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How can unsaturated vegetable oils be hardened?
They can be hardened by reacting them with hydrogen in the presence of the catalyst nicke; at 60 degrees. This is an example of an addition reaction where hydrogen adds across the double bond leaving only single bonds.
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What is this called?
Hydrogenation of vegetable oils.
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What is hyrdogenation?
Adding hydrogen to a substance.
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What does hydrogenation do?
It raises the melting point above room temperature. This makes the liquid solid in a process called hardening.
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What is the solid then used for?
It is used as a margarine or spread.
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What are Trans fats?
Produced by the hydrogenation of vegetable oils.
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Give examples of trans-fats
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Why are Trans fats not good for you?
Cause heart attacks, cancer, clogged arteries, obesity. It reduces good cholesterol and raises bad cholesteral.
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What can emulsifying agents do?
Help oil and water remain mixed. They produce emulsions.
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What is the advantage of emusions?
They provide better texture, coating ability and apperence.
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Give a good example of emulsion.
Milk-animal fat dispersed in water.
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What do emulsifiers ensure?
That the emulsion stays thick and smooth.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do plants then do with glucose?


They turn glucose into other chemicals through chemical reactions.

Card 3


How do we extract lavender oil?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are vegetable oils important in food?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why can vegetable oils be used to cook foods at higher temperatures than by boiling?


Preview of the front of card 5
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