Plant tissues, organs and systems Flash Cards

  • Created by: fyfejacob
  • Created on: 18-02-20 15:36
Name 2 types of tissue in a plant and explain their roles.
Epidermal tissues- a protective tissue that covers the plant. Meristem tissue- unspecified cells used for cell growth in a plant.
1 of 10
Name an organ found in a plant
A stem (used for support and to carry substances to the head of the flower).
2 of 10
How is the root hair cell adapted to its function?
They have a large surface area to increase the rate of absorbtion.
3 of 10
Describe a leaf cross section.
Contains an upper and lower epidermis to protect the cuticle, extract sunlight and allows Co2 and O2 to move in and (lower only). Palisade and spongy Mesolphyll contain chloroplasts and make up the structure of the leaf. Veins transport water in.
4 of 10
Define transpiration.
The movement of water through a plant and it's evaporation from aerial parts.
5 of 10
4 Factors of increased transpiration rates.
1. Light 2. Temperature 3. Humidity 4. Wind
6 of 10
Differentiate translocation and transpiration.
Translocation- the transport of food made in the leaves to the rest of the plant. Transpiration- the transport of water.
7 of 10
What is the function of the stomata?
Open and close stomatal pores to allow CO2 in the leaf. Also close in hot conditions to prevent water loss.
8 of 10
How do guard cells open and close?
They surround each stomata. When water is lost, the cells become flacid and close over the stomata hole. When iron is extracted in water, they solidify, opening the stomata.
9 of 10
Which substances are transported by the xylem and the phloem?
The xylem transports water and minerals over the organs of the plant. The phloem transports food substances made in the leaves for use or storage in the rest of the plant.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name an organ found in a plant


A stem (used for support and to carry substances to the head of the flower).

Card 3


How is the root hair cell adapted to its function?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe a leaf cross section.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define transpiration.


Preview of the front of card 5
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