Plant hormones - seeds and human diets

  • Created by: exam yes
  • Created on: 16-01-19 21:22
What needs to happen for a seed to become a fully grown tall tree or flower?
Seed germination needs to occur wherecertain reactions / processes are triggered by hormones as well as essential environmental conditions in place such as water which the seed itself absorbs
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What group of hormones is primarily important in seed germination and what is one of the reactions it triggers?
Gibberellins promote seed germination. One of the reactions they triggger is the break down of starch which will provide energy to the growing seedling.
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What is the most important role of Gibberellins in seed germiantion?
The main role of gibberellins is to oppose the affects of another group of hormones called ABA - absasic acid.
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What is ABA in control of and so does this relate to the affects of gibberellins?
ABA controls seed dormancy and so gibberllins break this period of dessication.
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What needs to occur to the seed before the dormancy period?
Before dormancy of the seed can occur, it must undergo maturation.
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What is maturation?
Maturation is when the embryo becomes protected and essential reserves accumulate which will eventually be used for growth in the future
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How is ABA useful for humans in research along with soemthing else?
The ABA hormone prevents early germination which is useful in human resarch as well as manipulation of environmental conditions. The seed can be kept dry and cool to prolong the seeds life.
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What is another human benefit from seeds and what are the two that we should consume?
Another human benefit from seeds is their importance in our diets and their contribution to our protein intake. Legume and cereal / grain seeds are said to be important for us to cosnume
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What do legumes and cereal grain seeds contain and why is this important?
They contain essential amino acids which are needed for the synthesis of proteins in our bodies as we cannot produce these amino acids naturally.
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Why are a range of different seeds needed ?
Due to legumes and cereals having incomplete protein where neither contain all the essential amino acids needed.
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What is an example of an amino acid which is low in legume seeds?
Legumes generally have a higher protein content but are defficeint in the amino acid methionine which cereals have in high abundance
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What group of hormones is primarily important in seed germination and what is one of the reactions it triggers?


Gibberellins promote seed germination. One of the reactions they triggger is the break down of starch which will provide energy to the growing seedling.

Card 3


What is the most important role of Gibberellins in seed germiantion?


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Card 4


What is ABA in control of and so does this relate to the affects of gibberellins?


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Card 5


What needs to occur to the seed before the dormancy period?


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