Herbal Medicines Traditional medicines 1

  • Created by: amykane
  • Created on: 09-04-18 21:50
What is a maloca?
an ancestral long house used by natives of the Amazon - a ritual and daily living space.
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What is the mambeadero?
Sacred space where the sabedores carry out the nightly ritual of the preparation of coca in the Maloca.
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In the mambeadero the sacred "historia is told". What is this?
is the account of the formation of the universe, world and everything in it to present. This includes the arrival of illnesses and their cures.
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During this ritual who do the sabedores communicate to and why?
communicate with their gods and spirits to analyze and resolve problems presented in the community. In the case of an illness, the cure sought will be specific to that person.
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In Uitoto, Muinane and Andoke tribes what are women never allowed to consume?
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What is their role in terms of coca?
They help prepare ritual coca and listen to the “ historia”, generally from a distance [although there are rare exceptions to this].
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What do the elders refer processed cocaine as?
the "bad sister" of their sacred coca
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What is mambe?
Salt of cocaine
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Is 'free base' cocaine insoluble or insoluble in fat?
fat soluble
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What becomes the axis between 2 worlds during the ritual of the mambeadero?
the vertebral column of the abuelo
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What does he receive from this axis?
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What is this energy converted into?
energy of power
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What do they see the world as?
one great maloca
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What does the abuelo receive from the "world of our creator and ancestors"?
he can receive positive energies
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what are these positive energies converted into?
forces of power - power of words - his words are powerful.
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What is sabedor able to use these words to do?
to heal
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what is an example of this?
conjures - calling positive energies and converted into forces
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Following the Uitoto Muinane beliefs what is the body?
a universe which is divided into four parts
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What does a healthy person require?
balance between two parts otherwise he/she will become ill
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What is the function of the left side of the body?
the side which have senses such as instinct
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what is the function of the right side?
the human side - the side which thinks
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Following indigenous traditional knowledge, what does a healthy body need in terms of energy?
energies must be balanced
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What must be done about illness or the accumulation of negative energies?
must be prevented using preventative medicine
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What is one of the most important plants used to protect against negative energies?
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Is tobacco used in defence or as healing?
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What is ambil?
Ambil is a type of paste, syrup, jelly or jam made from tobacco and mineral salts. It's is a very strong, intense, and powerful sacred medicine
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How is ambil made?
cooking tobacco leaves until they turn into a black syrup type consistency
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For rituals what is the ambil mixed with?
vegetable salt
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How is vegetable salt prepared?
Extracted from different plants (in this case fruit of the palma real). This is burned until ash is formed then mixed with water and boiled down until salt is formed
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Are women allowed to use ambil in these tribes?
Yes - both men and women
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What are the different uses for ambil?
Used as a form of defence - sometimes like a preventative medicine and sometimes as a spiritual attack (e.g. to test an elders powers or for an enemy). also used to invite people to dance and to balance energies.
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Give an example of a hallucinogenic plant used by Uitotos?
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What is yaje used for in Amazonian tribes?
used regularly to communicate with gods and in rituals.
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Is yaje used often in the tribes?
No - it is treated with the utmost respect. Sabedores may never use it during their lives.
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give an example of when yaje is used?
Only in a case of great need - such as to look for a cure for an illness or very serious problem - they will go on a yaje 'journey'
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Where does the yaje 'journey' take place?
takes place in an assigned small maloca
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What happens during this yaje journey?
Elder lies down in hammock in maloca and is watched at all times by another sabedor. Yaje is ground down, prepared and taken. sabedor goes into deep sleep/trance and his/her body slows down until they are in a comatose state.
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What do they go past while in this trance?
the sabedor will go past many malocas
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What must he not do to the malocas?
must not be tempted to enter them
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Once they have reached the end of the journey who do they meet?
the father creator
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What does the father creator do?
answers the question the jaje taker has come to ask
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How long does it take the yaje taker to be returned back to the world?
over 1-2 days
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What does the carer do to the yaje taker over those days?
serves fruit and watches over him/her so they do not pass to the other world
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What are tourists doing with yaje that is disrespectful to the community?
Going on yaje tours and taking the sacred plant without cultural preparation.
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Is yaje legal in the UK?
No - yaje and all it's constituents are illegal in the UK
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What is brugmansia?
A genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae
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What properties do they have?
They are woody trees or shrubs, with pendulous flowers, and have no spines on their fruit
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What gave them their name of angel's trumpets?
Their large, fragrant flowers
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What is the plant used for?
used to make “journeys” and in the initiation of a shaman
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What is a shaman
a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practise divination and healing.
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What compounds do these plants produce?
atropine and scopolamine
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What is Atropa Belladonna (also known as belladonna, devil's berries or deadly nightshade)?
a perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, and aubergine
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Where are they found?
Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia
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Why is the plant given sinister names such as deadly nightshade,devils berries, naught man's cherries, death cherries etc?
The plant earns its sinister nicknames, as its foliage and berries are extremely toxic
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What makes the plant toxic?
contains potent dosages of tropane alkaloids
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What are some examples of plant products that are used in 'western medicine'?
Hyoscine (scopolamine) and Hyoscyamine (atropine), and other species of the Solanaceae (potato family) have medical uses too/
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What have these products all acted as?
'templates’ for the synthesis of many useful medicines
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Achiote - Bixa Orellana (is another ritual plant) - what is it's seeds used for?
(red/orange seed coat) used for body paint in rituals and as an insect repellent
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Achiote - Bixa Orellana (is another ritual plant) - what is its fruits used for?
used for treatment of skin infections and as protection against illness.
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What other uses has it got in terms of food?
food colourant
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What is the use of Notecue (another ritual plant)?
it is a sacred plants given while preparing the future sabedor.
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What is the other use of this plant for babies?
Some of these plants are given when the baby is born - before receiving first milk
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What is the use of incense?
used ritually and medicinally to attract positive ‘energies’ and dispel negative ones.
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Fungi is another ritual plant. What is it used for?
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What is Paullinia yoco?
a vine often used by western Tukanoan groups
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There are several uses.
Fruits of some species are edible (P. Cupana (Guaraná) most populat.) Other species are used as herbal treatment (P. yoco). The sap from some species is highly toxic (P.cururu)
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What is the use of this toxic sap?
s used as an arrow poison by Native American tribes in South America.
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Traditional medicine used by amazonian cultures can be divided into two parts. What are they?
Preventative and healing
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Examples of preventative medicine.
diets, use of plants in preventative medicine e.g. Plants for cleaning teeth. Maintaining spiritual equilibrium
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Examples of healing medicines?
balancing of the body’s energies using plants and/or management of ‘energies’
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the mambeadero?


Sacred space where the sabedores carry out the nightly ritual of the preparation of coca in the Maloca.

Card 3


In the mambeadero the sacred "historia is told". What is this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


During this ritual who do the sabedores communicate to and why?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In Uitoto, Muinane and Andoke tribes what are women never allowed to consume?


Preview of the front of card 5
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