Pitt dealing with radical threat (legislation)

Habeas Corpus Suspension Act-1794
People could be arrested and imprisoned with no evidence or trial
1 of 5
Gagging Act 1- Treasonable practices act-1795
Forbade expressing views likely to bring the King or government into contempt. Even forbade thinking of bad thoughts about The King.
2 of 5
Gagging Act 2- Seditious meeting act-1795
Meetings of 50+ people needed permission. Magistrates could disperse meetings if they observed seditious observations.
3 of 5
Suppression of Mutinies - Seduction from duty and allegiance act
Anybody who tries seducing a sailor or stir up any sailors into mutinies would be killed.
4 of 5
Combinations act-1799
Any working men who combined with another to gain an increase in wages or a decrease in working hours or better working conditions would be sentenced to 2/3 months in jail.
5 of 5

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Card 2


Forbade expressing views likely to bring the King or government into contempt. Even forbade thinking of bad thoughts about The King.


Gagging Act 1- Treasonable practices act-1795

Card 3


Meetings of 50+ people needed permission. Magistrates could disperse meetings if they observed seditious observations.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Anybody who tries seducing a sailor or stir up any sailors into mutinies would be killed.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Any working men who combined with another to gain an increase in wages or a decrease in working hours or better working conditions would be sentenced to 2/3 months in jail.


Preview of the back of card 5


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