Pigeon English Flashcards

"Who'd chook a boy just to get his Chicken Joe's"
*Rhetorical Question*

The idea of poverty is shown in this quote where you can see that poverty has an effect on people's choices
The idea of becoming irrational and inhumane
1 of 5
"You don't need to know the hour, your belly tells yow when its chop time"
*Non-standard English*

Harri describes his life in Ghana; they don't rely specific times of the day when to eat
This shows the scarcity of money and availability to food
2 of 5
" I don't know why mum needs to work at night as well...Why cant babies just be born in the daytime."

Harri's naivety is seen when he questions Mama's absence
His lack of knowledge of the real world can be interpreted that he may be exposed to the true realities of poverty later in the novel
3 of 5
"Auntie Sonia burned her fingerprints off...she likes to go other places."
Auntie Sonia's immigration status symbolises the extremity of poverty and the want for a better and more fulfilled life.
Therefore poverty is seen to limit people from experiencing the real-world
4 of 5
"I gave Jordan a strawberry Chewit to give to the dead boy."
Jordan and Harri can not afford a nice memorial gift to the dead boy.
Gifts such as flowers are expected to honour another persons life.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


"You don't need to know the hour, your belly tells yow when its chop time"


*Non-standard English*

Harri describes his life in Ghana; they don't rely specific times of the day when to eat
This shows the scarcity of money and availability to food

Card 3


" I don't know why mum needs to work at night as well...Why cant babies just be born in the daytime."


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"Auntie Sonia burned her fingerprints off...she likes to go other places."


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"I gave Jordan a strawberry Chewit to give to the dead boy."


Preview of the front of card 5


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