Physics unit 4 - Newton's Laws & Momentum

  • Created by: Phil
  • Created on: 11-04-13 12:49
What 3 properties do forces involved in newton's third law share?
1. Same type of force (eg both gravitational.) 2. Same magnitude. 3.Opposite direction to the other force
1 of 15
What type of quantity is momentum and what is it measured in?
Vector quantity (Direction same as velocity), measured in kgms^-1 or Ns (Newton seconds).
2 of 15
How is the rate of change of momentum found?
mv-mu over time.
3 of 15
Ft is equal to..... and what is this quantity called?
Change in momentum (mv-mu) This quantity is called Impulse.
4 of 15
How is F = ma found from the equation F=m(v-u) over t?
By the use of V= u+at (assuming a is constant.
5 of 15
How is the impulse/change in momentum found from a Force- Time graph?
The area under the graph.
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Define the law (or principle) of conservation of Momentum.
If no resultant force acts on a system of objects then the TOTAL momentum (mass and velocity) does not change.
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4 features of a Perfectly Elastic collision.
1. Momentum is conserved. 2. Ke is conserved. 3. Total energy of the system is conserved. 4. Relative speed of approach is equal to the relative speed of separation.
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3 features of a completely inelastic collision.
1. Momentum is conserved. 2. Ke is not conserved. 3. Total energy is conserved.
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3 features of a partially inelastic collision.
1.Momentum is conserved. 2. Ke is lost 3. Total energy in all forms is conserved.
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What is an experiment that can illustrate F=ma ?
Air track, glider experiment.
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Newton's first law.
Every body remains in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line (const velo) unless acted upon bu a resultant force.
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Newton's 2nd Law
The rate of change of a momentum of a body is proportional to the resultant force which acts on it and occurs in the direction of the force.
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Newton's third law
If Body A exerts a force on Body B, Then body B exerts an equal and oppo force on body A.
14 of 15
Mass x Velocity.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of quantity is momentum and what is it measured in?


Vector quantity (Direction same as velocity), measured in kgms^-1 or Ns (Newton seconds).

Card 3


How is the rate of change of momentum found?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Ft is equal to..... and what is this quantity called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How is F = ma found from the equation F=m(v-u) over t?


Preview of the front of card 5
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