Other questions in this quiz

2. The velocity of a body is..

  • Speed in a given direction
  • Distance travelled
  • Acceleration in a given direction
  • Weight in a given direction
  • Time taken to travel

3. How is acceleration calculated?

  • Change in velocity/Distance
  • Distance/Time taken
  • Change in velocity/Time taken
  • Distance/Change in velocity
  • Time taken/Change in velocity

4. The slope in a velocity-time graph represents what?

  • Acceleration
  • Weight of a body
  • Distance travelled
  • Speed
  • Decceleration

5. Whenever two bodies interact, the forces the exert on each other are?

  • Opposite
  • Different
  • Equal and opposite
  • Equal




Good quiz :)



you have question 6 & 7 are the wrong way round. When the resultant force is zero an object is either stationary or at a constant speed and if the resultant force is not zero then the object is either accelerating or decelerating. The answer to question 16 doesn't make sense; what do you mean 'at it'? For question 10 the stopping distance does depend on the driver being tired or under the influence of drugs because that affects the thinking distance and stopping distance=thinking distance+braking distance :S

sorry I don't mean to pick things out but double check. Thanks for the resource anyway and good luck in your exam :)

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