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6. If the resultant force acting on a stationary body is zero, what happens to the body?

  • Remains stationary
  • Travel at a constant speed
  • Accelerates
  • Deccelerates

7. If the resultant force acting on a stationary body is not zero, what happens to the body?

  • Deccelerates
  • Travels at a constant speed
  • Accelerates
  • Remains stationary

8. Resultant force =

  • Mass / Acceleration
  • Distance travelled X Mass
  • Distance travelled X Acceleration
  • Acceleration X Mass
  • Acceleration / Mass

9. When a vehicle is travelling at a constant speed, what happens to the friction forces and driving force?

  • Frictional force increases
  • Frictional force decreases
  • Driving force doubles
  • Driving force halves
  • They balance out

10. The stopping distance of a vehicle depends on; the distance the vehicle travels during the drivers reaction time.

  • True
  • False

11. The stopping distance of a vehicle depends on; the distance the vehicle travels under braking force.

  • True
  • False

12. The stopping distance of a vehicle depends on; the driver being drunk/tired/drugged

  • False
  • True

13. Breaking distance is affected by?

  • Bad weather or vehicle conditions
  • Tiredness/drug use by driver

14. What happens when a body moves through a fluid?

  • The resultant force decreases
  • The resultant force increases
  • The frictional force decresases
  • The frictional force increases

15. What will initialy happen to a body falling through fluid due to the force of gravity?

  • The forces will balance
  • It will deccellerate
  • It will accelerate
  • Remain at a constant speed

16. Eventually the resultant force on the body will be zero and it will fall..

  • Increasingly slower
  • At it
  • Increasingly faster

17. How to calculate the weight of a body;

  • Mass / velocity
  • Mass / gravitational field strenght
  • Mass X gravitational field strength
  • Velocity / mass
  • Mass X velocity