PHYSICS P1a 1- Heat Transfer

Every object gives out.....
Thermal Radiation
1 of 10
Dark, matt surfaces emit... more or less radiation than light, shiny surfaces?
2 of 10
Why do the dark matt surfaces emit more radiation?
Because they have a lot of cavities
3 of 10
what do the cavities in the surface do?
Cavities trab and absorb the radiation
4 of 10
What conducts heat better? Metals or non metals?
5 of 10
Why do metals conduct heat?
Because they contain alot of free electrons which move around in the metal and hod the positive ions together. They collide with each other and with the positive ions.
6 of 10
What type of energy is gained in conduction?
Kinetic Energy
7 of 10
Where does convection take place?
In fluids only (a gas or a liquid)
8 of 10
Where does conduction take place?
In solids only
9 of 10
Why does convection take place due?
To circulation currents in a fluid.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Dark, matt surfaces emit... more or less radiation than light, shiny surfaces?



Card 3


Why do the dark matt surfaces emit more radiation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what do the cavities in the surface do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What conducts heat better? Metals or non metals?


Preview of the front of card 5
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