Physics - Waves

  • Created by: gg1903
  • Created on: 05-03-19 18:30
What is Ultrasound?
A Sound with frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz.
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How are Sound Waves produced?
They are produced by electrical devices producing electrical oscillations of any frequancy which are easily converted into mechanical vibrations which produce Sound Waves.
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What is Partial Reflection?
Partial Reflection is where a wave passes from one medium into another, some of the wave is REFLECTED off the boundary betweeen the two media, and some is transmitted (and refracted).
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How can you measure how far away a boundary is using Reflections?
The time it takes for the Reflections to reach a detector can be used to measure how far away the boundary is.
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How is Ultrasound useful?
It is useful by passing through the body which is often used to examine babies in the mother's womb.
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How is Sonar useful?
Boats and submarines use Sonar to detect objects in the water around them, they emit Ultrasound waves which REFLECT off substances, Animals like bats and dolphins use sonae to sense their way around the environment.
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What is Infrasound?
Infrasound is Sound with frequencies less than 20 Hz.
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How is Infrasound used?
Infrasound is used by its long wavelengths travelling long distances and DIFFRACTING around objects easily.
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Who uses Infrasound?
Elephants use Infrasound to communicate with other member of it's herd miles away, Tigers also use Infrasound in their roars and growls to attract potential rivals or mates from far away, Meteor strikes and Volcanic erruptions produce Infrasound.
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How do you calculate Wave Speed?
Wave Speed (m/s) = Distance (m) / Time (s).
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What are P - Waves?
P - Waves are Waves that are longitudial and that travel through solids and liquids and they travel faster than S - Waves.
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What are S - Waves?
S - Waves are Waves that are transverse and only travel through solids and are slower than P - Waves.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How are Sound Waves produced?


They are produced by electrical devices producing electrical oscillations of any frequancy which are easily converted into mechanical vibrations which produce Sound Waves.

Card 3


What is Partial Reflection?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can you measure how far away a boundary is using Reflections?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How is Ultrasound useful?


Preview of the front of card 5
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