Waves - Physics

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  • Waves - Physics
    • sound waves
      • can only travel through a solid, liquid or gas medium. they travel fastest in solids and slowest in gases.
      • when the sound waves are compressed then the particles are tightly pushed together
      • sound waves can be reflected, refracted and defracted
    • diffraction, refraction and reflected
      • diffraction - when waves meet a gap in a barrier - they carry on through the gap and then spread out after the gap.
      • refracted - sound waves and light waves change when they cross through a substance/solid that has a different density
      • reflected - light waves and sound waves reflect off surfaces when the angle of incidence + the angle of reflection
    • types of waves
      • longitudinal waves
        • the oscillations travel in the same direction as the direction of travel and energy tranfer
        • longitudinal waves are compressed(high pressure) and rarefaction (low pressure)
        • sound waves are longitudinal waves
      • Transverse waves
        • the oscillations are at a right angle to the direction of travel and energy transfer
        • light waves and other types of electromagnetic waves are transverse waves
        • water waves are transverse waves
  • types of waves
    • longitudinal waves
      • the oscillations travel in the same direction as the direction of travel and energy tranfer
      • longitudinal waves are compressed(high pressure) and rarefaction (low pressure)
      • sound waves are longitudinal waves
    • Transverse waves
      • the oscillations are at a right angle to the direction of travel and energy transfer
      • light waves and other types of electromagnetic waves are transverse waves
      • water waves are transverse waves


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