Physics sound

  • Created by: JazzyBBo
  • Created on: 02-12-18 16:07
When one particle vibrates it causes the particles next to it to vibrate too when vibrating particles come into contact with our eardrums it vibrates and sends a signal to a brain and we perceive a sound.
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Loudness is a measure of the intensity of a sound; the louder the sound the more energy is carried in the soundwave. The force that the soundwave applies on our eardrum is greater with a high intensity soundwave.
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High pitch
Pitch is determined by the frequency of the soundwave. Frequency is how often are soundwave oscillates. More frequent oscillations cause a soundwave To have a high frequency, and cause a high pitched sound.
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Low pitch
Perch is determined by the frequency of the soundwave. Frequency is how often are soundwaves oscillates. Less frequent oscillations have a lower frequency, and therefore cause a lower pitched sound.
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How do air particles travel?
Air particles travel parallel to the wave. The air particles and up where they started.
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Card 2


Loudness is a measure of the intensity of a sound; the louder the sound the more energy is carried in the soundwave. The force that the soundwave applies on our eardrum is greater with a high intensity soundwave.



Card 3


Pitch is determined by the frequency of the soundwave. Frequency is how often are soundwave oscillates. More frequent oscillations cause a soundwave To have a high frequency, and cause a high pitched sound.


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Card 4


Perch is determined by the frequency of the soundwave. Frequency is how often are soundwaves oscillates. Less frequent oscillations have a lower frequency, and therefore cause a lower pitched sound.


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Card 5


Air particles travel parallel to the wave. The air particles and up where they started.


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