Physics revision for quiz

  • Created by: A l e x
  • Created on: 18-10-17 06:45
What is a resultant force?
The overall force on a point or object.
1 of 13
When is an object in equilibrium?
When the combined forces (the resultant force) is zero.
2 of 13
What is the equation for moments?
force x distance from pivot
3 of 13
What type of component is a fixed resistor?
Linear, it produces a straight line in its I-V graph.
4 of 13
What type of component is a diode or a filament lamp?
Non-linear, both produce curves in their I-V graphs.
5 of 13
What is the motor effect?
It is when a current is placed in magnetic field and so experiences a force. This is becuase two magnetic fields are interacting.
6 of 13
What is Fleming's left-hand rule?
Helps to find the direction of a force on a current. The index finger is the magnetic field, the middle finger is the current and the thumb is the direction of the force.
7 of 13
What is magnetic flux density?
It is how many flux (field) lines there are in a region. It shows the strength of the magnetic field (more lines = stronger flux). Symbolised as B and measured in Telsa.
8 of 13
What is the equation for the size of the motor effect?
Force = magnetic flux density x current x length
9 of 13
F =...
10 of 13
B =...
11 of 13
I =...
12 of 13
L =...
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When is an object in equilibrium?


When the combined forces (the resultant force) is zero.

Card 3


What is the equation for moments?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of component is a fixed resistor?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What type of component is a diode or a filament lamp?


Preview of the front of card 5
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