Physics - Properties of waves

Equation for weight
W = m x gfs
1 of 21
Equation for work done
w = f x d
2 of 21
Equation for force applied
F = k x e
3 of 21
Equation for momentum
M = f x d
4 of 21
Equation for pressure
P = F / A
5 of 21
Equation for distance travelled
S = v x t
6 of 21
Equation for acceleration
a = delta v / t
7 of 21
Equation for resulant force
F = m x a
8 of 21
Equation for kinetic energy
Ek = 1/2 x m x v2
9 of 21
Equation for GPE
Ep = m x g x h
10 of 21
Equation for power
P = E / t
11 of 21
Equation for power
P = W / t
12 of 21
Equation for efficiency
Efficience = useful / total
13 of 21
Equation for wave speed
V = f x wavelength
14 of 21
Equation for charge flow
Q = I x t
15 of 21
Equation for potential difference
V = I x R
16 of 21
Equation for power (volts and amps)
P = V x I
17 of 21
Equation for power (amps and ohms)
P = I2 x R
18 of 21
Equation for energy transferred (kilowatt and time)
E = P x t
19 of 21
Equation for energy transferred (coulombs and volts)
E = Q x V
20 of 21
Equation for density
D = m / v
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Equation for work done


w = f x d

Card 3


Equation for force applied


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Equation for momentum


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Equation for pressure


Preview of the front of card 5
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