Physics Paper 2: Topic 11 - Static Electricity

  • Created by: JS13
  • Created on: 03-03-22 18:21
What is static electricity?
Build up of charge on insulating materials
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What do two oppositely charged objects do when near each other?
They exert an electrostatic force of attraction on each other and attract
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What do two like charged objects do when brought close to each other?
They exert an electrostatic force of repulsion and repel each other
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Why does lightning occur?
Clouds build up charge over time. When the charge becomes high enough, the clouds discharge via the air to the earth
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Why does a charged balloon stick to a wall?
By electrostatic induction. The overall charge on the balloon (be it positive or negative) repels the like charged subatomic particle. (If the balloon was positively charged, the protons of the wall are repelled). This leaves an area of the wall with the
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How does earthing remove excess charge?
A path of low resistance is provided so electrons will take this and reduce charge build up.
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1) How is static electricity dangerous when fueling vehicles?
2) What can be done to prevent the risk?
1) Frictions between the flammable fuel and the pipes cause a build up of charge. A spark may be discharged which can start a fire and thereby cause an explosion due to the volatile fuel.
2) Prevented by earthing the vehicle and the pipe
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What is an electric field?
A region where an electric charge will experience a non-contact force
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Where do field lines point?
The body of the arrow is the positive charge and the arrowhead points towards a negative
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What in a charge diagram shows the strongest field?
The region where the field lines are closest together?
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Card 2


What do two oppositely charged objects do when near each other?


They exert an electrostatic force of attraction on each other and attract

Card 3


What do two like charged objects do when brought close to each other?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why does lightning occur?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why does a charged balloon stick to a wall?


Preview of the front of card 5
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