Physics Paper 2 carry on

  • Created by: IJM22
  • Created on: 23-01-19 21:12
What do Newton's law of motion describe?
The effects that forces have on the motion of an object
1 of 50
What are the two factors that can affect the stopping distance?
Thinking distance and the braking distance
2 of 50
What is the thinking distaance?
Distance travlled by the car during the driver's reaction time
3 of 50
What is the equation for Kinetic energy?
Ek = 1/2 x m (mass) x v2 (velocity)
4 of 50
What happens during breaking?
1) Force of friction acts between the brake and the wheel 2) the kinetic energy of the car is then converted to thermal energy in the brakes
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What are the two types of waves?
Transverse waves and longitudinal waves
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Give an example of transverse waves?
Ripples on the surface of water
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Give an example of longitudinal waves?
Sound waves travelling in air
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Name one key factor about waves?
All waves transfer energy from one place to another
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What do ripples do?
Transfer kinetic energy
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What do sound waves do?
Transfer sound energy
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Describe transverse waves?
The wave is moving up and down and these are called oscillations
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Name a key factor of transverse waves?
Oscillations are perpendicular to the directon of energy transfer
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Describe longitudinal waves?
The oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer
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How do sound waves travel?
They travel as particles in the air and move from side to side
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What do longitudinal waves require?
A medium to travel for example a liquid or a soild
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Name an object that you show transverse waves?
A slinky which represents the ripples on the surface of water
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What does the word amplitude mean?
The maximum displacement of a point on a wave away from its undistrubed postion
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What does the word wavelength mean?
Distance froma point of one wave to the equivalent point on the adjacent wave
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What is the unit for frequency?
Hertz (Hz)
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What is frequency?
The number of waves passing a point each second
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What is the equation to calculate wavespeed?
V (wave speed m/s) = f (Hz) x λ (m)
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A wave has a frequency of 165 Hz and a wavelength of 2m. Calculate the speed of a wave
1) V = f x λ 2) 165 x 2 3) 165 x 2 = 330 m/s
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Give an example of an electromagnetic wave?
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What are electromagnetic waves?
Transverse waves
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What do electromagnetic waves do?
Transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber
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What do microwaves do?
Transfer energy from the source (the oven to the absorber (food)
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Give another example of electromagnetic waves?
Solar panels.
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Explain how solar panels are an example of electromagnetic waves?
Light waves transfer energy from the source (sun) to the absorber (solar panels on the spacecraft)
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What happens if we pass white light through a prism?
It then splits into a spectrum
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What are radio waves used for?
Used to transmit radio and terrestrial TV signals
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What other things are radio waves used for?
Used as they can travel long distances before being absorbed by buildings and trees
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What can radio waves do?
Reflect off a layer of charged particles in the atmosphere
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Why are microwaves used for heating food?
As food contains a lot of water molecules
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What are microwaves used for?
Communicate with satellites in space
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How do microwaves work?
They can pass through the Earth's atmosphere without being reflected or refracted
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What is infrared for?
Used by electrical heaters and also used to cook food in ovens
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What else is infrared used for?
Also used to check buildings for heat losses
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What are optical fibres?
Thin strands of glass
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How can you transfer information by using optical fibres?
By transmitting pulses of light down these fibres and use these pulses to carry information
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What are optical fibres used for?
To carry telephone and cable TV signals
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How can visible light carry information?
As it has a short wavelength
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What is an important use of ultraviolet?
Energy effcient lightbulbs
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How does an ultraviolet work?
It is absorbed by the internal surface of the bulb and converted to visible light
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Name an use of ultraviolet?
Sun tanning
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What part of the electromagnetic spectrum can be detected by the human eye?
Visible light
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How can electromganetic waves travel?
Through a vacuum e.g. space
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How are light waves absorbed?
By black surfaces and reflected from shiny, metallic surfaces
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What happens when electromagnetic waves are absorbed?
Changes take place in atoms or in the nuclei of atoms
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What happens when we heat atoms?
We cause electrons to move from one energy level to a higher one and when the electron then returns to its original energy level, it generates an electromagnetic wave
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the two factors that can affect the stopping distance?


Thinking distance and the braking distance

Card 3


What is the thinking distaance?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the equation for Kinetic energy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens during breaking?


Preview of the front of card 5
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