Physics Paper 1 Energy 9-1

What are the 8 energy stores?
Thermal,Kinetic,Gravitational Potential,Elastic Potential,Chemical,Magnetic,Electrostatic,Nuclear.
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What is a system?
A single object or a group of objects that you're looking at in a question.
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What happens when a system changes?
Energy is transferred from either into or away from the system, between objects or energy stores in the system.
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What is a closed system?
Where neither matter nor energy can enter or leave. The net change in the total energy of a closed system is always zero.
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What is work done?
Energy transferred. It can be either current flowing or a force moving an object.
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What is the equation for kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x velocity^2
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What is the equation for gravitational potential energy?
Gravitational potential energy = mass x gravity x height
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What is the general rule for a falling object with no air resistance?
Energy lost from the g.p.e store = Energy gained in the kinetic energy store
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What is the equation for elastic potential stores?
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 x k x extension^2
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What is Specific heat capacity?
The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1 degree
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What is the equation for energy transferred (Specific heat capacity)?
Change in thermal energy = m x c x change in tempature
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What is the conservation of energy principle?
Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated, but can never be created or destroyed.
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When energy transferred between objects/stores, what kinds of energy are outputted?
Useful energy and waste energy.
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What is the equation for power with energy transferred?
Power = Energy / Time
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What is the equation for power with work done?
Power = Work done / Time
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What is conduction?
Conduction is the process where vibrating particles transfer energy to neighbouring particles
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What is thermal conductivity?
The measure of how quickly energy is transferred through a material. Materials with a high thermal conductivity transfer energy between the particles quickly
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What is convection?
Convection is where energetic particles move away from hotter to cooler regions.
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Whats the difference between convection and conduction
The particles in convection are able to move, and when heated the space between the particles increase. This causes the density of the region heated to decrease.
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What happens when constant heat is applied to a gas/liquid?
A convection current is created as the region heated will rise into the cooler regions creating a path
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How do radiators create convection currents with convection and conduction?
Energy transfers from the radiator to the air by conduction. They become warm and less dense, and they rise up and is replaced by cooler air. This loops creating a convection current.
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What can be used to reduce frictional forces? What does this reduce overall?
Lubricants. They coat the surfaces easily and reduce friction between objects. This reduces over all waste energy.
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What can a house have to reduce waste heat energy?
Have thick walls made from a material with a low thermal conductivity. Use thermal insulation such as cavity walls,loft insulation and double glazed windows.
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What calculation do you use to calculate efficiency?
Useful output (power or energy transfer)/ Total input (power or energy transfer)
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What are the non-renewable sources of energy?
Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
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What are the renewable sources of energy?
The Sun, Wind, Waves, Hydro electricity, Bio-fuel, Tides and Geothermal
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What are the non-renewable/renewable sources used for transport?
Non-renewable=Petrol and diseal cars, Coal for trains. Renewable=Biofuel ran vehicles
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What are the non-renewable/renewable sources used for heating?
Non-renewable=Natural gas for heaters in homes,Coal fireplaces, Electric heaters. Renewable=Geothermal pump for buildings, Solar water heaters or using bio-fuel
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Wind Power?
Advantages- No pollution produced, No fuel costs and tiny running costs, No permanent damage to environments. Disadvantages-Spoil views, They need lots of space, not reliable all the time, very noisy
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Solar Cells?
Advantages- No pollution produced, No fuel costs and tiny running cost,Very reliable Disadvantages-Cost of purchase is very high
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Geothermal Power?
Advantages-Free energy and is very reliable, very little damage to the environment. Disadvantages- Hard to find locations for power plants and is very expensive to create.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hydro-Electric Power?
Advantages- Can have an immediate response to an increased demand in electricity,very reliable, no fuel costs. Disadvantages- Huge environmental impact to the environment, initial set up costs are high
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Wave Power?
Advantages- Minimal running costs and no fuel costs, no pollution. Disadvantages- Can effect small seabeds, very unreliable, needs lots of to produce power.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Tidal Barrages?
Advantages- No pollution, decently reliable, no fuel costs or running costs. Disadvantages- Initial costs are high and could prevent access for boats and spoils the view.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Biofuel?
Advantages- Somewhat carbon neutral, Reliable. Disadvantages- Need lots of space to grow crops and the cost is very high.
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What environmental problems do non-renewable resources cause?
CO2 amounts that are released into the atmosphere is high, Releases sulfur dioxide which causes acid rain, Coal mining effects landscapes, Oil spills can ruin landscapes, Nuclear power creates dangerous waste, and can cause major catastrophes.
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What is most of our electricity produced from?
Fossil fuels and nuclear power
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What are some problems with using renewable energy sources?
Building new power plants can be very expensive, Land space is scarce to put these new power plants, some sources are not as reliable as fossil fuels, personal changes such as hybrids are also expensive, costs more money to find more reliable ways
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a system?


A single object or a group of objects that you're looking at in a question.

Card 3


What happens when a system changes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a closed system?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is work done?


Preview of the front of card 5
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