Physics P8 (Space Physics)

What is in our solar system?
1 star, the Sun, 8 planets, dwarf planets, natural satellites, the moons that orbit planets
1 of 25
What is our solar system a small part of?
the milky way galaxy
2 of 25
How was the sun formed?
from a cloud of dust and gas (nebula) pulled together by gravitational attraction
3 of 25
What reactions has lead to an euqilibrium between the gravitational collapse and expansion of a star?
fusion reactions
4 of 25
What is the life cycle of a star determined by?
the size of the star
5 of 25
what is the life cycle of a star the same size (or smaller) than the sun?
nebula, protostar, main sequence star, red giant, white dwarf, black dwarf
6 of 25
what is the life cycle of a star bigger than the sun?
nebula, protostar, main sequence star, red super giant, supernova, neutron star or black hole
7 of 25
what in stars produces all of the naturally occurring elements?
fusion processes
8 of 25
what elements are produced in a supernova?
elements heavier than IRON
9 of 25
what is a supernova?
an explosion of a massive star
10 of 25
What elements in a star fuse together and what element does this form?
2 hydrogen atoms form 1 helium atom
11 of 25
in terms of orbits, what does gravity provide?
the force that allows planets and satellites to maintain their circular orbits
12 of 25
in circular orbits, what can the force of gravity lead to?
a change in velocity
13 of 25
what doesn't change?
14 of 25
Why does velocity change but speed doesn't?
velocity has a direction (vector) and speed doesn't (scalar).
15 of 25
do planets have a faster speed or slower speed if they are further away from the sun?
slower speed
16 of 25
The gravitational pull is weaker
17 of 25
if the speed changes, what else must change?
the radius
18 of 25
from the most distant galaxies, what is there an observed increase in?
the wavelength of light
19 of 25
if the galaxies are further away, what is their speed and wavelength like?
the faster they are moving and the bigger observed increase in wavelength
20 of 25
What is this effect called?
21 of 25
What does red-shift provide evidence for?
that space itself is expanding and supports the Big Bang Theory
22 of 25
What does the Big Bang Theory suggest?
that the universe began from a very small region that was extremely hot and dense
23 of 25
What is red-shift?
the expansion stretches out light waves further left of the electromagnetic spectrum
24 of 25
What is blue-shift?
an object moving towards us pushes light waves closer together further right of the electromagnetic spectrum
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is our solar system a small part of?


the milky way galaxy

Card 3


How was the sun formed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What reactions has lead to an euqilibrium between the gravitational collapse and expansion of a star?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the life cycle of a star determined by?


Preview of the front of card 5
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