Physics- P6 Part D

  • Created by: 13clarken
  • Created on: 02-05-18 21:43
A perfect ... is an object that absorbs all the radiation. nothing is reflected or transmitted. They are also the best possible emitters of radiation. The intensity and distribution of wavelengths emitted depends on temperature
black body
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... is the power per unit area. A temperature increases, ... of emitted wavelengths increase. ... increases more rapidly for shorter wavelengths
2 of 14
Overall ... of earth depends on how much radiation has been absorbed, transmitted or reflected. During the day there is an increase in ... as lot's of radiation is absorbed by earth from sun. During the night, there is a decrease in ...
3 of 14
... are caused by vibrating objects. Vibrations are passed through surroundings as compressions and rarefractions. They travel faster in solids, than liquids, slowest in gas- cause particles to vibrate in solids. Space is a vacuum, ... can't travel
Sound Waves
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Sound waves that reach your ... cause it to vibrate. Vibrations are passed on to tiny bones (ossicles), then the semi-circular canals and to the cochlea. Cochlea turns vibrations into electrical signals which go to the brain.
Ear Drum
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Sound waves will be ... by hard flat surfaces. Echoes are just ... sound waves. Sound waves will refract as they enter different media. -Denser material causes them to speed up
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... is sound with frequencies above 20,000 Hz. They get partially reflected at boundaries- some is transmitted, some is reflected. Time taken to reach a detector determines how far away the boundary is
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Ultrasound use: The waves pass through the body, when it meets a boundary, some is reflected back. Timing and distribution is processed by a computer. No-one knows how safe it is, but X-rays are too dangerous
Medical Imaging
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Ultrasound use: Find flaws in objects like pipes or wood and metal. Ultrasound waves are reflected from far side of material. If there is a flaw e.g. a crack, wave is reflected sooner
Industrial Imaging
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... sounding uses high frequency sound waves. used by boats and submarines to find depth of water or find objects in deep water
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Waves have different ... depending on material they are travelling through. Meeting a boundary can result in: -Partial or total reflection -Refraction or absorption -Change of speed. Using different waves helps to study ... of materials we cant see
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When ... meet a boundary, some waves will be absorbed and some waves refracted. When waves are refracted they change speed gradually so take a curved path. A change of properties, speeds up the waves
Seismic Waves
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Seismic wave: Longitudinal, travel through solids and liquids and are faster than the other type of seismic wave
P waves
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Seismic Wave: Transverse wave, can't travel through liquids or gases, slower than the other type of seismic wave.
S Waves
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


... is the power per unit area. A temperature increases, ... of emitted wavelengths increase. ... increases more rapidly for shorter wavelengths



Card 3


Overall ... of earth depends on how much radiation has been absorbed, transmitted or reflected. During the day there is an increase in ... as lot's of radiation is absorbed by earth from sun. During the night, there is a decrease in ...


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Card 4


... are caused by vibrating objects. Vibrations are passed through surroundings as compressions and rarefractions. They travel faster in solids, than liquids, slowest in gas- cause particles to vibrate in solids. Space is a vacuum, ... can't travel


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Card 5


Sound waves that reach your ... cause it to vibrate. Vibrations are passed on to tiny bones (ossicles), then the semi-circular canals and to the cochlea. Cochlea turns vibrations into electrical signals which go to the brain.


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