Physics equations

What is the equation that links weight, mass and gravitational field strength?
weight = mass x gravitational field strength
1 of 23
What is the equation that links work done, force and distance?
work done = force x distance (in direction of the force)
2 of 23
What is the equation that links force applied to a spring, spring constant and extension?
force applied to a spring = spring constant x extension
3 of 23
What is the equation that links moment of a force, force and distance?
moment of a force = force x distance (in direction of the force)
4 of 23
What is the equation that links pressure, force normal to surface area and area of that surface?
pressure = force normal to surface area / area of that surface
5 of 23
What equation links distance travelled, speed and time?
distance travelled = speed x time
6 of 23
What equation links acceleration, change in velocity and time taken?
acceleration = change in velocity / time taken
7 of 23
What equation links resultant force, mass and acceleration?
resultant force = mass x acceleration
8 of 23
What equation links momentum, mass and velocity?
momentum = mass x velocity
9 of 23
What is the equation for kinetic energy?
kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x (velocity)^2
10 of 23
What is the equation for gravitational potential energy?
gravitational potential energy = mass x gravitational field strength x height
11 of 23
What is the equation that links power, energy transferred and time?
power = energy transferred / time
12 of 23
What equation links power, work done and time
power = work done / time
13 of 23
What equation links efficiency, useful output energy transfer and total input energy transfer?
efficiency = useful output energy transfer / total input energy transfer
14 of 23
What equation links efficiency, total power output and total power input?
efficiency = total power output / total power input
15 of 23
What equation links wave speed, frequency and wave length?
wave speed = frequency x wave length
16 of 23
What is the equation that links charge flow, current and time?
charge flow = current x time
17 of 23
What equation links potential difference, current and resisance ?
potential difference = current x resistance
18 of 23
What equation links power, potential difference and current?
power = potential difference x current
19 of 23
What equation links power, current and resistance?
power = (current)^2 x resistance
20 of 23
What equation links energy transferred, power and time
energy transferred = power x time
21 of 23
What equation links energy transferred, charge flow and potential difference?
energy transferred = charge flow x potential difference
22 of 23
What equation links density, mass and volume?
density = mass / volume
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the equation that links work done, force and distance?


work done = force x distance (in direction of the force)

Card 3


What is the equation that links force applied to a spring, spring constant and extension?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the equation that links moment of a force, force and distance?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the equation that links pressure, force normal to surface area and area of that surface?


Preview of the front of card 5
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