Physics 1 Equations

  • Created by: m38
  • Created on: 09-03-18 19:15
Write the equation that links force applied, distance moved in the direction of the force and work done.
Work Done (J) = Force Applied (N) x Distance Moved in the Direction of the Force (m)
1 of 14
Write the equation that links mass, change of gravitational potential energy, gravitational field strength and change of height.
Change of Gravitational Potential Energy (J) = Mass (kg) x Gravitational Field Strength (N/kg) x Change of Height (m)
2 of 14
Write the equation that links change of height, weight and change of gravitational potential energy.
Change of Gravitational Potential Energy (J) = Weight (N) x Change of Height (m)
3 of 14
Write the equation that links kinetic energy, mass and speed.
Kinetic Energy (J) = 1/2 x Mass (kg) x Speed squared (m/s)
4 of 14
Write the equation that links power, energy and time.
Power (W) = Energy (J) / Time (s)
5 of 14
Write the equation that links time, charge and current.
Charge (C) = Current (A) x Time (s)
6 of 14
Write the equation that links efficiency, total energy and useful energy.
Efficiency = Useful Energy / Total Energy x 100%
7 of 14
Wrie the equation that links charge, potential difference and energy transferred.
Potential Difference (V) = Energy Transferred (J) / Charge (C)
8 of 14
Write the equation that links potential difference, current and resistance.
Resistance (ohm) = Potential Difference (V) / Current (A)
9 of 14
Write the equation that links current, power and potential difference.
Power (W) = Current (A) x Potential Difference (V)
10 of 14
Write the equation that links resistance, current and power.
Power (W) = Current squared (A) x Resistance (ohm)
11 of 14
Write the equation that links mass, density and volume.
Density (kg/m cubed) = Mass (kg) / Volume (m cubed)
12 of 14
Write the equation that links useful power, total power and efficiency.
Efficiency = Useful Power / Total Power x 100%
13 of 14
Write the equation that links charge, time and curent.
Current (A) = Charge (C) / Time (s)
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Write the equation that links mass, change of gravitational potential energy, gravitational field strength and change of height.


Change of Gravitational Potential Energy (J) = Mass (kg) x Gravitational Field Strength (N/kg) x Change of Height (m)

Card 3


Write the equation that links change of height, weight and change of gravitational potential energy.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Write the equation that links kinetic energy, mass and speed.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Write the equation that links power, energy and time.


Preview of the front of card 5
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