physical education

  • Created by: kerenrose
  • Created on: 22-12-16 11:39

1. define the term muscular endurance

  • the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tiered
  • to use voluntary muscles without getting tired
1 of 5

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2. which of the following components of skill-related fitness would a high jumper need at take off in order to clear the bar

  • muscular endurance
  • reaction time
  • power
  • agility

3. which of the following is a test of cardiovascular fitness?

  • sit and reach test
  • harvard step test
  • sergeant jump test
  • 30 metre sprint test

4. whats the definition of cardiovascular fitness?

  • the ability to exercise some body parts for long period of time
  • the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time
  • the ability to excerise the heart and lungs in the body fr long periods of time
  • measure of how long you can work the whole body for

5. as a result of regular training it is possible to improve the muscular strength. which of the following is a correct statement about muscular strength?

  • the amount of force a muscle can exert against resistance
  • the ability to exercise the muscles of the body for long periods of time without training
  • the amount of force a muscle can repeatedly exert against a resistance without tiring
  • the ability to exercise the muscles of the body for long periods of time


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