Photosynthesis Quiz

a quick test to test your knowledge on a few topics to do with plants!

  • Created by: Zubia
  • Created on: 05-12-09 13:50

1. What is diffusion?

  • Diffusion is the passive movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  • none of the above!
  • diffusion is the movement of particles in water, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  • diffusion is the gradual movement of particles
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. What does the rate of diffusion depend on?

  • the amount of perfume in a bottle
  • the distance, the concentration difference/gradient and the surface area.
  • the amount of oxygen in the air
  • just the concentration difference

3. How do substances move in and out of a cell?

  • just by osmosis.
  • through the cell membrane
  • through diffusion and osmosis
  • through the veins of the plant

4. What is osmosis?

  • a type of diffusion
  • the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration
  • the same thing as diffusion
  • the movement of water molecules.

5. what IS photosynthesis?

  • the process that takes place in the chloroplasts of plants to produce glucose
  • photosynthesis is the same as respiration


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