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6. Which four things are needed for photosynthesis

  • Water, light, c2o, chlorophyll
  • sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and glucose
  • glucose, sunlight water and oxygen

7. what could be the three possible limiting factors of photosynthesis?

  • sunlight, carbon dioxide and water.
  • the source of light, the temperature and carbon dioxide
  • oxygen, carbon dioxide and temperature
  • carbon dioxide, oxygen and clorophyll

8. whats the most common way to artificially create the ideal environment for plants to grow in?

  • by using a greenhouse
  • keep them in your back garden, you can measure the temperature regularly and keep an eye on them

9. state two ways a plant uses glucose

  • plants manafacture glucose in their leaves for respiration, enabling them to use the rest of this energy for other useful substances such as fructose.
  • only for making fruits.0
  • only for respiration and it is also converted into cellulose for cellwalls
  • it is only combined with nitrates to create amino acids which are then made into proteins aswell as for storing starch.