Photosynthesis (light dependent stage)

Where does the light dependent stage take place?
In the thylakoid membrane
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The arrangement of the accessory pigments allows for...?
Enough energy to pass to the reaction centre allowing electrons in chlorophyll a molecule to become excited in the process of PHOTOACTIVATION
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What happens to the electrons in chlorophyll a ,if enough energy is available ?
They are emitted and taken up by an electron acceptor
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What does chlorophyll a become?
A chlorophyll donor
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What happens to the carriers as they take up and pass on electrons?
They become progressively reduced&oxidised in a series of redox reactions
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Electrons lose.... as they pass along the chain?
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What is photophosphorylation?
When there is sufficient energy available to make ATP from ADP & Pi
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How does the replacement of lost electrons from the reaction centre occur?
Through photolysis; the splitting of water molecules
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When water is split,the hydrogen dissociates into ..?
Hydrogen ions(protons) and electrons
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These electrons replace the electrons lost during...?
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What is given off as a waste product during the light dependent reaction?
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What photosystem is used to emit electrons?
Photosystem 2
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What does the chlorophyll a molecule in photosystem 1 emit?
Electrons if enough light energy reaches the antenna complex
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What happens to these electrons?
Trapped by another electron acceptor and passed onto NADP to form NADPH
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How is NADP reduced by the hydrogen?
The electrons combine with the hydrogen ions (form photolysis)
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In photosystem 1 electrons are lost from the chlorophyll a and are replaced by...?
Electrons passing down the electron chain
(electrons originated in photosystem 2)
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What are the end products of the light-dependent reaction?

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The electron pathway and reactions in the light dependent stage are described as?
The Z-scheme
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What is the final electron acceptor in photosynthesis ?
NADP is the final electron acceptor
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The production of ATP is non cyclic due to ?
Electrons passing through electron transport chain needing to be replaced
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The production of ATP in the light dependent stage is known as ...?
Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The arrangement of the accessory pigments allows for...?


Enough energy to pass to the reaction centre allowing electrons in chlorophyll a molecule to become excited in the process of PHOTOACTIVATION

Card 3


What happens to the electrons in chlorophyll a ,if enough energy is available ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does chlorophyll a become?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to the carriers as they take up and pass on electrons?


Preview of the front of card 5
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