Philosophy-ontological argument.

Try to do this one at least three times per week.

Anselm's Ontological argument is...?
God is the greatest possible being, it is greater to exist in the mind and reality both than in the mind alone. Ergo, God must exist in both the mind and reality.
1 of 10
Gaunilo's Criticism...
I can think of the greatest conceivable island, it is greater to exist in the real world and the mind than the mind alone, so the island exists. You can make anything exist with this logic.
2 of 10
CD broad said the following...(this is a hard one, I know)
The greatest possible thing implies an intrinsic maximum, like the intrinsic maximum of the number of tides to a triangle. Some things have no intrinsic maximum, like heat or pain. If God has any of these, it would be incoherent.
3 of 10
Descartes' ontological argument (You're ****** now)
God is supremely perfect. He must be perfect in all feats of perfection. Existence is a feat of perfection. God exists.
4 of 10
Kant's FIRST criticism is...(try not to mix them up dip ****)
Just because a proposition is true by definition, it doesn't mean it is true. Perfection in God's definition means that IF he exists he exists necessarily, but adding the predicate of perfection does not make something exist.
5 of 10
Kant's second criticism...(should be easy if you got the first one right)
Perfection is not a predicate; a predicate adds something to the subject, and perfection does not.
6 of 10
Russell. Not much of an argument but...
Exists implies that there is something corresponding with our definition in reality. to truthfully say that God exists we need empirical proof.
7 of 10
Plantinga. you get this wrong and there's no hope for you.
There is a world in which a being exists with maximal greatness. Which God is. a being with maximal greatness exists in all possible worlds, and so it exists in ours.
8 of 10
Malcolm. not in the middle.
God must be either contingently true, contingently false, necessarily true or necessarily false. Can't be contingent in any way or he would be contingent and necessarily false implies he has a contradiction, which he does not. So God exists.
9 of 10
Aquinas...I'm waiting.
We cannot comprehend God.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Gaunilo's Criticism...


I can think of the greatest conceivable island, it is greater to exist in the real world and the mind than the mind alone, so the island exists. You can make anything exist with this logic.

Card 3


CD broad said the following...(this is a hard one, I know)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Descartes' ontological argument (You're ****** now)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Kant's FIRST criticism is...(try not to mix them up dip ****)


Preview of the front of card 5
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