Pharmacodynamics keywords

  • Created by: SamDavies
  • Created on: 05-01-18 20:59
A chemical (which might be a drug, hormone, neurotransmitter, or other signalling molecule) that binds to its target to increase its activity. Efficacy is 1
1 of 7
A chemical that opposes the action of another chemical. This means that they should have no action on their targets in the absence of an agonist
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The binding of the antagonist prevents the binding of the agonist by competing for the same binding site. The competitive antagonist will increase the EC50 for the agonist
Competitive antagonist
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Binds at a different binding site from the agonist, and prevents the effect of the agonist without preventing its binding. The effect cannot be overcome by adding more agonist and the EC50 for the agonist does not change
Non-competitive antagonist
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Drugs that bind to and activate a given receptor, but have only partial efficacy at the receptor relative to a full agonist (0
Partial agonist
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The binding of one ligand enhances the attraction between substrate molecules and other binding sites
Allosteric potentiating ligand
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This causes an action opposite to that of the agonist yet binds to the same receptor as the agonist. It has an efficacy of less than zero
Inverse agonist
7 of 7

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Card 2


A chemical that opposes the action of another chemical. This means that they should have no action on their targets in the absence of an agonist



Card 3


The binding of the antagonist prevents the binding of the agonist by competing for the same binding site. The competitive antagonist will increase the EC50 for the agonist


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Card 4


Binds at a different binding site from the agonist, and prevents the effect of the agonist without preventing its binding. The effect cannot be overcome by adding more agonist and the EC50 for the agonist does not change


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Card 5


Drugs that bind to and activate a given receptor, but have only partial efficacy at the receptor relative to a full agonist (0


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