Perspectives of education - The Marxist View on Education

What do marxists say about society?
Bourgeoisie exploit proletariats
male should be the main breadwinner
family is seen as unit of economic production
families are form of consumption and money goes to bourgeoisie
proletariats live in false class conciousness
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What do marxists say about education?
educcation is part of a superstructure
provides a good workforce for the future
encourages young people to accept their position in society in order to keep people the same
education reduces social mobility
gives impression that many fail and this is the
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What did Louis Althusser say about the main aim of education?
reproduction of an efficient labour force is the main aim of education it involves:
- the reproduction of technical skills
- reproduction of ruling class ideas and getting workers to accept this which is the false class conciousness
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What else did Louis Althusser say?
ruling class must win hearts and mind of masses
persuades them to accept ruling class ideas
persuasion is down through number of ideological state apparatuses
embedding ideas in institutions and putting in the idea that you only should get something if y
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What did Louis Althusser say education is?
the the main ideological state apparatus
justifies capitalism
selects people for different social classes
students are persuaded to submit to exploitation
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What did Louis Althusser 1971 argue?
that the main role of education in a capitalist society was reproduction of an efficient and obedient workforce
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How is Louis Althussers argument achieved through schools ?
transmitting the ideology that capitalism is just and reasonable
train future workers to become submissive to authority
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What did Altusser argue in a captialist society?
argues that ideology in capitalist society is fundamental to social control and education is instrumental in transmitting this ideology, he argues education is an ideological state apparatus which helps pass on ruling class ideology in order to justify th
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Cultural capital

What does Bourdieu regard the role of education as?
regards the role of the education system as legitamising class structure
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What does Bourdieu believe?
believes that middle class possess their own set of values - HABITUS
framework which constitutes good and bad taste
Habitus is picked up in socialisation, dominant class has control over imposition of habitus, causes an advantage in education system, ad
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What else did Bourdieu say?
pupils from lower social classes have lower cultural capital so education failure of majority
success and failure of individual is not based on their talents and abilities
middle classes have much greater advantage before they have even started school
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What did Friere say to do with repression and control?
schools are repressive institutions which drive conformity and discourage critical thought
they are passive workplaces - where students are taught to accept existing inequalities
done by rewarding those who accept school regime, with qualifications and re
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What was Friere solution to repression?
we should de school

students are conditioned to accept the educational system and their teacher who have superior knowledge
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Card 2


What do marxists say about education?


educcation is part of a superstructure
provides a good workforce for the future
encourages young people to accept their position in society in order to keep people the same
education reduces social mobility
gives impression that many fail and this is the

Card 3


What did Louis Althusser say about the main aim of education?


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Card 4


What else did Louis Althusser say?


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Card 5


What did Louis Althusser say education is?


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