Other questions in this quiz

2. What are the advantages of using a store card?

  • You gain points for buying items from that shop.
  • You may qualify for discounts in the shop that issued the card.
  • You may purchase things from that shop free of charge.

3. What is a charge card?

  • A charge card is used for making payments in a similar way to a credit card, except that you don't have to repay all the balance until 60 days after receiving the statement.
  • A charge card is used for making payments in a similar way to a credit card, except that you MUST repay the balance in full when the statement arrives.
  • A charge card is used for making payments in a similar way to a credit card, except that you MUST repay the balance 30 days after reciving the statement.

4. Is the limit on a charge card high?

  • I don't know.
  • Yes.
  • No.

5. What are the disadvantages of a cash card?

  • You can't use cash cards in shops.
  • They are easily broken.
  • They can't be replaced until a period of time after loosing it is over.




Good revision for a small section of the personal finance exam. A little short though and some of the options are a bit ridiculous XD. Just hope it sticks until later this week :/



you are a stupid and a fat boy

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