

Percentage Change
Percentage Change= change÷original X 100
1 of 31
Finding the Original Value
Write the amount in the question as a percentage of the original value. Divide to find 1% of the original value. Multiply by 100 to give the original value (100%)
2 of 31
Speed, Distance, Time
Distance=Speed X Time
3 of 31
Density, Mass, Volume
Mass= Density X Volume
4 of 31
Alternate Angles
Alternate angles are the same. They are found in a Z-shape.
5 of 31
Allied Angles
Allied angles add up to 180. They are found in a C or U shape.
6 of 31
Corresponding Angles
Corresponding Angles are the same. They are found in an F shape.
7 of 31
Exterior Angles
Sum of exterior angles=360. Exterior angle=360÷n
8 of 31
Interior Angles
Sum of interior angles= (n-2) X 180. Interior angle= 180-exterior angle
9 of 31
Congruent Shapes
SSS- 3 sides are the same. AAS- 2 angles and a corresponding side match up. SAS- 2 sides and the angle between them match up. RHS- a right angle, the hypotenuse and one other side all match up.
10 of 31
Similar Shapes
They are the same shape- could be different sizes or rotated. Look for a scale factor.
11 of 31
The amount a shape moves by is given by a vector, written (x over y). x=horizontal movement (right is positive and left is negative). y=vertical movement (up is positive and down is negative.
12 of 31
3 details: angle of rotation, direction of rotation, centre of rotation
13 of 31
You must give the equation of the mirror line.
14 of 31
2 details: the scale factor (new length÷old length), centre of enlargement
15 of 31
Area of Sector
x÷360 X area of full circle
16 of 31
Length of Arc
x÷360 X circumference of full circle
17 of 31
Surface Area of a Cylinder
2TTrh + 2TTr²
18 of 31
Volume of a Cylinder
19 of 31
Volume of Prism
cross sectional area X length
20 of 31
Volume of a Pyramid
1/3 X base area X vertical height
21 of 31
Volume of a Fustrum
1/3 TT R²H - 1/3 TT r²h
22 of 31
How Enlargement affects Area and Volume
sides are n times bigger. areas are n² times bigger. volumes are n³ times bigger.
23 of 31
Sin x
Sin x= Opposite÷ Hypotenuse
24 of 31
Cos x
Cos x= Adjacent÷ Hypotenuse
25 of 31
Tan x
Tan x= Opposite÷Adjacent
26 of 31
Sine Rule
a÷sin A = b÷sinB = c÷sinC
27 of 31
Cosine rule
a²= b² + c² - 2bc X cos A
28 of 31
Rearranged Cosine Rule
cos A= b² + c² - a² ÷ 2bc
29 of 31
Area of a Triangle
1/2 X ab X sin C
30 of 31
Quadratic Equation
x= -b±√b²-4ac ÷2a
31 of 31

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Finding the Original Value


Write the amount in the question as a percentage of the original value. Divide to find 1% of the original value. Multiply by 100 to give the original value (100%)

Card 3


Speed, Distance, Time


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Density, Mass, Volume


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Alternate Angles


Preview of the front of card 5
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