Maths equations

What is the equation for area of a trapezium?
1/2 (a+b)x h
1 of 11
What is the equation for area of a triangle?
1/2 x a x h
2 of 11
Name the equation of area of a circle?
Pie x r(squared)
3 of 11
What is the equation for Arc length?
Angle divided 360 x 2 xpie x r
4 of 11
What is the equation for length of arc sector?
Angle divided x pie x r
5 of 11
What is the equation for a cylinder?
Area of circle x h
6 of 11
What is the question of density?
Mass divided volume
7 of 11
What is the equation for mass?
Volume x density
8 of 11
What is the equation for speed?
S= d/t
9 of 11
What is the equation for force?
F=pressure x area
10 of 11
What is the equation of a straight line ?
Y=mx +c
11 of 11

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Card 2


What is the equation for area of a triangle?


1/2 x a x h

Card 3


Name the equation of area of a circle?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the equation for Arc length?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the equation for length of arc sector?


Preview of the front of card 5
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