PE Topic 1

  • Created by: chsc20
  • Created on: 17-12-20 10:01
Muscular strength
the amount of force a muscle can exert abasing a resistance
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Muscular endurance
the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired
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the bodily structure of humans and animals
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how the whole body or a body part functions
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fibrous tissues that join bone to muscle
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a rigid bone that turns round a joint
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a firm, connective tissue
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The stored form of carbohydrate primarily located in the muscles and liver and readily available as an energy fuel.
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a bending movement
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a straightening movement
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bending or flexing the toes upwards
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extending or pointing the toes downwards
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a movement that pulls towards the midline of the body
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a movement that pulls away from the midline of the body
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movement around a single axis or pivot point
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strong, flexible connective tissue that connects bones to other bones
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Antagonistic Pair
muscles that work together to create movement
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Type 1
slow twitch muscle fibres suited for low intensity work e.g marathon running as they can used for a longer peruse of time
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Type IIa
fast twitch muscles fibres used in anaerobic work can be improved in endurance training to increase their resistance to fatigue
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Type II
fast twitch muscle fibres used in anaerobic work and can generate much greater force than other fibre types, but fatigue quickly
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A red pigment that transports oxygen to the muscles
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The point around which the lever rotates
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the state of having a joint; being a joint
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to do with the heart , blood and blood vessels together.
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Vena cava
large vein bringing deoxygenated blood into the heart
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tube that carries blood back to the heart
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to do with the lungs
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a muscular tube that carries blood away form the heart
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Arterial blood
oxygenated blood
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Venous blood
Deoxygenated blood
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the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contacts and pumps blood from chambers to arteries
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the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and lets the chamber fill with blood
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Vascular shunting
process that increases blood flow to active areas during exercise by diverting blood away from inactive areas; achieved by vasodilation and vasoconstriction
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Vital Capacity
the greatest amount of air that can be made to pass into and out of the lungs by the most forceful inspiration and expiration
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Tidal Volume
is the amount of air inspired and expired with each normal breath at rest or during exercise
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the movement of air from outside the body into the cells within tissues.
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the primary muscle used in the process of inspiration, or inhalation. a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest from the rest of the body cavity
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the tube that takes air into the chest, also known as the windpipe
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tube along which air passes form the trachea into the lungs
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smaller branches coming off the bronchi
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tiny sacs at the end of the bronchioles where gas exchange takes place
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a type of protein found in every red blood cell
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Gas exchange
the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream and the removal of carbon dioxide from the tissues
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Oxygen debt
the amount of oxygen needed at the end of a physical activity to break down any lactic acid.
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Anaerobic exercise
working at a high intensity level without oxygen for energy production
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Lactic Acid
a toxic colourless gas produced in muscle tissues during strenuous exercise when the body is exercising anaerobically at high intensity
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a rich source of energy, but many modern diets provide more than our bodies need.
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Free sugars
extra sugar added to food or drink
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Muscle fatigue
when muscles get tired
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Stroke Volume
the amount of blood pumped by the heart during each beat
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Cardiac output
is the amount of pumped blood by the heart in one minute
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Card 2


Muscular endurance


the ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired

Card 3




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Card 4




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Card 5




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