Pathophysiology in UTI

  • Created by: GAJANAN
  • Created on: 18-10-22 21:48
Case Study No: - 1
• The bacteria enter through ascending pathways, such as urethra, tends to have adhesion on their surface with the help of which they attach to epithelial linings of the urethra.
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Frequency and Urgency
Bacteria then invade the bladder mucosal wall and cause inflammatory reaction- Cystitis.
In response to these bacteria,>>>> the epithelial cells secret>>>> urinary proteins called Urokinase and signalling molecules such as nitric oxide. >>> suggests that
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Cloudy Urine
The inflammatory response produced in the bladder receives white blood cells to fight against bacteria and mix with urine, creating cloudy appearance.
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Cloudy Urine
Also, the inflammatory response cause formation of pus(suppurate) due to necrosis of the dead cells which needs to be removed for wound healing- causing cloudy urine.
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The acid property of the urine cause irritation to the inflamed epithelial mucosa of the bladder >>>> causing burning sensation and pain during voiding.
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Card 2


Bacteria then invade the bladder mucosal wall and cause inflammatory reaction- Cystitis.
In response to these bacteria,>>>> the epithelial cells secret>>>> urinary proteins called Urokinase and signalling molecules such as nitric oxide. >>> suggests that


Frequency and Urgency

Card 3


The inflammatory response produced in the bladder receives white blood cells to fight against bacteria and mix with urine, creating cloudy appearance.


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Card 4


Also, the inflammatory response cause formation of pus(suppurate) due to necrosis of the dead cells which needs to be removed for wound healing- causing cloudy urine.


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Card 5


The acid property of the urine cause irritation to the inflamed epithelial mucosa of the bladder >>>> causing burning sensation and pain during voiding.


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