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6. terminal buttons

  • houses the genetic info of the neuron
  • the very end of the neuron where the nerve impulses become a chemical message that can be passed to the dendrite or another neuron
  • tiny sacs that contain molecules of neurotransmitter chemicals
  • gaps between the myelin sheath which make the electrical impulses jump and move faster down the axon.

7. vesicles

  • houses the genetic info of the neuron
  • tiny sacs that contain molecules of neurotransmitter chemicals
  • gaps between the myelin sheath which make the electrical impulses jump and move faster down the axon.
  • branches at the top end of a neuron that receive messages from other neurons

8. cell body

  • branches at the top end of a neuron that receive messages from other neurons
  • main part of the cell where the nucleus and mitochondria are
  • the end of the axon that leads to the terminal buttons
  • gaps between the myelin sheath which make the electrical impulses jump and move faster down the axon.
  • the fatty deposit that provides insulation for the axon and allows electrical impulses to be passed along

9. Axon

  • A long branch from the cell body that passes electrical impulses down to the end of the neuron to allow it to communicate to others
  • the end of the axon that leads to the terminal buttons
  • gaps between the myelin sheath which make the electrical impulses jump and move faster down the axon.
  • the fatty deposit that provides insulation for the axon and allows electrical impulses to be passed along