Parent-Child Relationships

Who came up with the 3 behavioural systems acquired in infancy which are linked to what we experience as romantic love in adulthood? (attachment, caregiving & sexuality)
Shaver et al
1 of 15
The ---------- behavioural system is linked to Bowlby's internal working model.
2 of 15
The ---------- behavioural system is knowledge about how to care for others, learned by modelling behaviour of the primary attachment figure.
3 of 15
The --------- behavioural system is also learned from early attachment (e.g. those who suffered from an avoidant attachment are more likely to see sex without love as pleasurable)
4 of 15
Childhood ----- has a number of negative effects on adult psychological functioning.
5 of 15
Who said that those who experienced childhood abuse were more likely to suffer from depression, anger and anxiety?
Springer et al
6 of 15
Research suggests that childhood sexual abuse causes difficulties in forming ------- relationships.
7 of 15
Who said that those who have experienced childhood abuse develop a damaged ability to trust people and a sense of isolation from others?
Alpert et al
8 of 15
Who found that people who suffered childhood abuse had difficulty forming healthy attachments & these disorganised patterns of attachment lead to difficulty regulating emotions (a key aspect in forming healthy relationships)?
Ven der Kolk and Fisher
9 of 15
Who conducted a meta-analysis of studies, finding correlations from .10 to .50 between early attachment type and later relationships? They suggested one reason for low correlations may be because insecure-anxious attachment is more unstable.
10 of 15
It could be that a person's attachment type is determined by the current relationship, which is why happily married people are ------.
11 of 15
Who found that relationship break-ups were associated with a shift from secure to insecure attachment, which suggests that significant relationship experiences may alter attachment organisation?
Kirkpatrick and Hazan
12 of 15
Who found that women who'd been abused in childhood later displayed negative reactions towards those who reminded them of their abuser, and concluded this could lead to inappropriate behaviour learned from an abusive parent in their relationships?
Berenson and Andersen
13 of 15
IDA - research may indicate this theory is very ------------ but other research shows cases where people experience happy adult relationships despite insecure attachment as infants.
14 of 15
IDA - Simpson et al's study on 78 participant's over a span of 25 years concludes that a person's past doesn't unalterably determine the ------ course of their relationships.
15 of 15

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Card 2


The ---------- behavioural system is linked to Bowlby's internal working model.



Card 3


The ---------- behavioural system is knowledge about how to care for others, learned by modelling behaviour of the primary attachment figure.


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Card 4


The --------- behavioural system is also learned from early attachment (e.g. those who suffered from an avoidant attachment are more likely to see sex without love as pleasurable)


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Card 5


Childhood ----- has a number of negative effects on adult psychological functioning.


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